Description | 8/10/1919 - 15/12/1919
P.G. Henderson. Advisory Board for Juvenile Employment Market Street 24 Oct.1919 Proposal for conference with Granit Trades to ameliorate concerns expressed by parents and boys that the trade was unhealthy.
J Baxter. Kittybrewster School. 1 October 1919. Arrangements for dancing classes at school on Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings.
J Baxter Kittybrewster School. 14 October 1919. Advising of pupil roll on date of letter was 165 in total instead of the usual 238. Cited chiefly due to Measles outbreak but comments on other illnesses.
J Brady , St Peters R.C. School (no Date believed about 12 Nov. 1919) Handwritten note responding on letter of request from D.of.E seeking percentage of pupils who are denominationalat the school.
J Baxter. Kittybrewster School. 31 October 1919. Advising authority that pupils had raised moneys for a wreath and memorial on the grave of the recently deceased Mr Duguid.
H Cruickshank. St. Andrews School. 15 October 1919. Querying use of a church hall for drill purposes.
D. Christie Ferryhill School. 30 September 1919. Advising dancing classes have commenced at school on Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
James Craig Woodside Evening School. 28 October 1919. Seeking supply of Longcloth for Needlework classes and discusses benefits.
Duncan Clarke. 7 Argyll Place. 27 October 1919. Discusses a gramophone for Play Centres.
William A.P. Cruden Commerce Street School. 19 November. Clarifies situation with regard a pupil William Pears who had been absent. Boys mother advises another classmate , not named, had been selling newspapers and not her son.
Helen J. Cruickshank. Queens Cross School. 24 November 1919. Outlines arrangements for Physical Exercise and Drill classes and advises one of the teachers travels from Stornaway.
Helen J Cruickshank. NFD 27 October 1919. Discusses conditions Physical Exercises taught at Causewayend School. Also raises matter of Gymnasia being washed more than monthly.
James Craig. Woodside Evening School. 4 December 1919. Advises of cover for First Aid Class and outlines possible reason for poor attendance at class for Sick Nursing.
Duncan Clarke. Victoria Road School. 3 November 1919. Identifies a suitable Gramophone made in Aberdeen by Marr Woods for use my Play Centres. Gives description and costs.
Thomas Duncan. Kittybrewster Evening School. 28 October 1919. Seeks clarification that Textile classes held next to Gymnasium will not be affected by a request by the Womens Co operative Guild to hold a social evening thereat.
Lizzie Duncan. 41 Milend Avenue. 11 October 1919. Applies for post as Sewing Mistress at Mile end School and cites experience at various school.
J Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 15 October 1919. Provides details of three children, Alexander , Ethel and Iris Jackson. The latter two of the Infant Dept, all possibly of Garthdee Farm Cottage and the unsuitability of them travelling to Cults for schooling ?.
J Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 21 October 1919. Seeks whereabouts of 3 dozen scissors sent for sharpening in July of that year. J Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 29 October 1919. Wishes to be provided with a dozen copies of the authority`s “ Syllabus of Scripture Knowledge “.
Margaret Farquharson. Westfield School. 6 October1919. Applys for post as Infant Mistress. Contains references from Alex Bremner and Elizabeth Nisbet. W Fyfe. Woodside School. 2 December 1919. Seeks instructions re provision of Christmas Fare for the free meal pupils.
Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School. 24 October 1919. Report on Norman Webster. D.of.B 20 June 1906. 32 Claremont Street. Report on Winifred Jeffrey. D of B 30 November 1906. 12 Beechgrove Place.
Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School.31 October 1919. Report on Sarah Watson Findlay C/O Thomson 43 Esslemont Avenue. D.of.B 27/09/1919.
Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School.7 October 1919. Report on James May Thomson.c/o Weir 291 Great Western Road. DofB 23/01/1903 Report on Agnes Brechin Cox 98 John Street. Dof B. 29/12/1903.
Eliza Gray. 79 Abergeldie Road. 20 November 1919. Seeking transfer from Broomhill School teaching needlework.
Margaret Galbraith Rubislaw Special School. 27 November 1919. Seeking order book covering butter and margarine.
Mathew Henderson Manual Instruction Grammar School. 20 October 1919. Discusses St Katherines Club for Girls toy competition and sale in aid as per.
Mathew Henderson Manual Instruction Grammar School. 13 November 1919. Seeking materials for construction of Gramophone Record Case being made at school.
Mathew Henderson Manual Instruction Grammar School.14 November 1919. Wishes to know who will bear cost of timber to be used in Boy Scouts Carpenter Classes at the school.
Mathew Henderson Manual Instruction Grammar School.30 September 1919. Discusses parameters of a course (s) to be arranged in metal work. Letter further discusses course to be held on Saturdays with 10 /12 teachers willing to participate.
Mathew Henderson Manual Instruction Grammar School.9 December 1919. Further to earlier letter on the matter of metal work classes suggests no bar should be placed on number of participants and feels a further course may be desired. Course may stimulate other handicraft subjects.
John? R. Jack Walker Road School. 6 June 1919 Requisition request for new maps for teaching geography and explains reason for their need.
Wm. Johnston. Holburn Street School. 3 November 1919. Seeks clarification re admission of further 3 pupils and circumstances of same, in light of recent admission of 14 pupils from Bethany House. Wm Johnston. Holburn Street School. 13 November 1919. Requests early date for works to improve heating given recent severe weather. Room 1 described as the Baby Room the discomfort is acutely felt.
John R. Jacks Walker Road School. 31 October 1919. Refers to a returns document ( not attached ) , explaining pupil numbers and a fall off in pupil Merit Certificates achieved. Suggestion the later may be due to the school being closed for 3 months due to influenza epidemic.
L Jenman. Queens Cross R.C. School. 12 Novmber 1919. Note giving breakdown as a percentage of Roman Catholic, English Church and Presbyterian.
Louisa H. Jack. 61 Duthie Terrace. 16 October 1919. Seeks transfer from St. Paul Street School to a school nearer her home.
L Jenman. Queens Cross R.C. School 26 November 1919.
Gives breakdown of needlework classes timetable, pupil numbers and need for a visiting teacher to teach same.
Wm.B. King Holburn Street Evening School. 24 October 1919.
Refers to a class in Hygiene and Laws of Health increasing in numbers and seeks permission for Nurse Chapman to continue with lessons.
Wm.B. King Holburn Street Evening School. 24 October 1919. Refers to letter from the authority ( not attached ) regarding pupils John Paterson and John Burnett who were refused admission to a Special Woodwork Class and reasons for same.
W.A. Keys. Central Evening School. 20 November 1919. Asks if authority can do anything towards purchase of 6 students overcoats and caps to replace those destroyed in a fire at the school.
Authorless Report. Aberdeen Central School Continuation Classes. ( No Date ) Discusses need for extra teaching and benefits to pupils and school reputation. Includes small number of pupil figures.
Wm. B. King. Holburn Street Evening School. 8 October 1919. Advises 11 girls expressing interest in classes on Hygiene and gives proposed arrangements.
D.B. Lothian Sunnybank Public School. 13 October 1919. Gives details of arrangements for swimming lessons.
D. MacKenzie. George Street Public School.29 October 1919. Gives detailed explanation of circumstances covering a letter of complaint from father of Alexander Carr ( letter not attached ).
Alex. Moodie Skene Street Public School. 24 October 1919. Covering letter discussing figures of a “ Returns “ document ( not attached ) And quotes figures and percentages.
Thomas Miller. Grammar Engineering School. 8 October 1919. Report on enrolment report for Hygiene and Laws of Health class.
Gertrude Meston. 14 Camperdown Road. 20 October 1919. Seeks permission to use King Street School Gymnasium for 13th. Pack Wolf Cubs.
R.U. Littlejohn. St Pauls Street Evening School. 9 October 1919. Proposes arrangements for Hygiene and Laws of Heath Class and attendees.
W.T. Law. Central H.G.School. 26 November 1919. Seeks permission to hold a “Social Evening “within the Gymnasium at the school. D.B. Lothian Ardlea Cornhill Road. 22 November 1919. As secretary of the local association of the Educational Institute of Scotland advises delegates from the Women’s Educ. Union also to be present at a meeting to discuss salary scheme.
D. Mackenzie. George Street School. 23 October 1919. Gives reasons for large number of “failures”, placing them into 4 categories.
John P.? Gill. Porthill School. 31 October 1919 Returns report for 1918 – 1919 session quoting figures as percentage and gives explanation for some figures.
Jas. Rose. King Street School. 28 October 1919. Quotes figures as a percentage from a statistical table (not attached) indicating a favourable improvement since 1908.
James MacLeod. Mile-end School. 24 September 1919. Arrangements for dance classes at school on Saturday mornings.
William? McLean. Skene Square School. 5 November 1919. Responds to a letter of complaint from Mr.F.F. Quilter? regarding his stepdaughter Isobel Ellington. Matter concerns her apparent objection to singing what she felt was a hymn of sectarian character. She was administered one “pandy “as punishment.
William D. McLean. Greensyde, Cornhill Road. 11 November 1919. As Hon. Secretary of the Aberdeen Council of Boys and Girls Organisations sends his appreciation to the authority for its memorial about Gymnasia and playgrounds.
D. Mackenzie. George Street School. 1 December 1919. Seeks guidance on the manner of approach concerning a Miss Cooper who after teaching for 28 years is suffering more periods of ill health.
Hugh McGrath. Cathedral R.C. School Summer Street. 13 November 1919. Report giving breakdown of Non-Catholic pupils as 24 out of a roll of 264.
James C. Macleod. Mile-end School. 9 December 1919. Details reasons behind request for a whole time Sewing Assistant and quotes class sizes and teacher workload.
Elizabeth D. Nisbet. Westfield School. 1 October 1919. As headmistress of said school seeks extension of her retiral date.
Unknown Author. Northern Assurance Co. 1 Union Terrace. 5 November 1919. Letter detailing different types of insurance cover the authority may wish to consider and costs involved.
No Author. St Clements Street School. No Date. (post 30 August 1919.) Two-page letter outlining “Pearsons Day in the Country for Poor Children” event held on following Saturdays in which 800 girls then 900 boys attended. Details of refreshment and activities undertaken.
George Pickford. Walker Road Evening School. 23 October 1919. Letter covering conduct of a pupil, Alfred Urquhart who would appear to be currently exempted from the school.
Henry J. Pattison. St Margaret`s School. 13 November 1919. Two-page report on number of Episcopalian children in the school as a percentage.
John Peters St. Clements Street School. 1 December 1919. Letter covering Commerce Street School and repairs to playground during school holidays.
John Ritchie. Old Aberdeen School. 3 November 1919. Letter referring to missing articles from the school because of its military occupancy. Sheet with details of items not attached.
Frank M. Robb. High Evening School. 9 October 1919. Report on the need for a new “wringer “for the Laundry Class at the school.
William Ross. Broomhill School. 3 November 1919. Notification to the authority that a boy William M. Brown whose parents reside at 16 Dennyduff Road Fraserburgh, will be residing with his grandmother, Mrs Brown of 18 Allan Street for a month.
William Robertson. Causewayend School. 7 November 1919. Request immediate attention to heating in the school, citing illness to staff and fact pupils in needlework class could not hold their needles.
John Ritchie. Old Aberdeen School. 7 November 1919. Covering letter concerning pupil William Duncan, 9 Linksfield Place and claim for special recognition of his perfect attendances at school prior to him leaving for Gordon`s College.
James W. Rose. King Street School. 17 November 1919. His handwritten letter of resignation as headmaster of King Street School after serving 42 ½ years under the Aberdeen School Board and 44 years as a certified teacher.
James Rose. King Street School. 7 November 1919. Lists number of pupils taking piano forte lessons in 2 classes as 12 and 24 respectively.
Jean Sinclair. Grammar School 8 October 1919. Details of 7 boys to be added to Fee Sheets. Pupils as follows. William Christie, Kings College. George, Frank and Marshall Duguid,20 Carden Place. Donald Dawson,16 St. Swithins Street. George Henry, 43 Carlton Place. Allan Scott,26 Forest Road.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Grammar School 12 October, 25 October and 31 October 1919 3 letters as dated, discussing timetables and short hours for winter. Large parts of letters illegible.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 30 October 1919. Discusses arrangements for the vacated Westfield School need to use Grammar School gymnasium.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School.14 November 1919. Discusses his preference for the post of Assistant in the Junior School having considered the 8 applications for same.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 20 November 1919 Table detailing number of pupils at Gordons College and Aberdeen Grammar School in both Intermediate and Post intermediate levels.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School.17 October 1919. Requisition and covering letter concerning need for new microscopes and repairs to others. Janet. B. Spence. 23 Argyll Place. 28 October 1919. Application for post at Sunnybank, citing experience and previous schools worked.
W.A.S. (NFD) Frederick Street School. 12 December 1919. Table of classes and pupil numbers taking needle work.
Annie N. Tait. 91 Osborne Place. 25 September 1919. Discusses the popularity of dance classes at Kittybrewster School and seeks advice re increasing classes. R. Valentine. Ashley Road School.29 October 1919. Letter discussing returns of pupils who left school in period 1918 – 1919. Valentine. Ashley Road School.3 December 1919. Discusses need for claim from an older student for fire damaged overcoat, hat and gloves which came about due to him placing a hot ` pipe ` in one of the pockets. R Valentine. Ashley Road School.20 November 1919. Querying if Authority wishes to make a claim for a damaged wall atlas partially destroyed by burning due to a lighted taper coming into contact with it.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 10 October 1919. Querying whereabouts of Form 40T relating to a Georgina Ann Firth Smith who had gained Intermediate Certificate at Wick High School.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 6 November 1919. Table of pupils leaving during session 1918 – 1919, with breakdown of boys, girls and those obtaining Int. Certificate.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 10 October 1919. Response letter to query concerning `Country Pupils ` attending Central High School. Breakdown of figures provided.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 30 October 1919. Short letter advising a place will be made available for a Mary Cowie from Ballater. Details of application not enclosed.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 28 November 1919. Letter concerning a Patricia I Lawson and inability to produce evidence she had gained an Intermediate Certificate having taken same at Corse P.S. Leochel- Cushnie under the charge of Mr. Morrison.
A. G. Wallace. Central High School. 1 December 1919. Further letter to that dated 28 November 1919 concerning Patricia I. Lawson and explanation re non granting of certificate.
A.G.Wallace. Central High School. 30 June 1919. Letter detailing 8 pupils who had received perfect attendances on leaving school. Pupils names and address listed and what appears to be a hand written note as to their choices of wristlet watch, books etc.
A.G. Wallace. Central Higher School. 2 December 1919 Detailing record of attendance for an Andrew Parley 15 Urquhart Road, now of Port Erroll Cruden Bay.
A.G. Wallace. Central Higher School. 10 December 1919. Detailed letter covering issues of identifying members of staff as `First Assistants`.
L.L.Ward High School for Girls. 11 November 1919. Seeks alternative ways to rectify lengthy delays in filling vacancies.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 22 October 1919. Seeks urgent additional weighing balances due to class sizes. Also noting that 2 were lost during military occupancy of building.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 17 October 1919. Discusses need for change in swimming class hours and other schools’ use.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 11 November 1919. Detailed letter with request for urgent work to be carried out at the school. Some points covered concern: - Telephone installation Further ventilation in class No. 8 required as only one window is working. Suggested work in garden at No.18 including asphalting parts, removal of party wall, tree removal. Mannofield Playing Field erection of shelter as Mannofield Cricket Club Pavilion will no longer be available.
Helen Watson. Hon. Sec. 6 Osborne Place. Infant Mistresses Assoc.27/11/1919 Three letters dated as above and 28/11/1919 and 1/12/1919, discussing need for a deputation from the Assoc. at forthcoming Salaries Scale meeting.
John Watson. St Pauls Street School. 2 December 1919. Discusses role of the janitor and how his shared requirement to cover Porthill School causes difficulty, citing the heating of the school and its cleanliness. Also asked janitor to be provided with a uniform like other schools. |