Description | 1/1/1923 - 15/4/1923
Jeanie C. Barrou: Westburn Road School: 27 February 1923 Student, William Gail: 2 Canal Street, left school in December at 14yo and is getting into trouble in the street so has been readmitted to school as he can not find work and still of age
Harold E. Bennett: High School for Girls: 4 April 1923 Requesting a increase in salary with qualifications included
J.L. Baxter: Westfield School: 29 March 1923 Asking if they can put in an order, stating that the school is closing
H.J. Cruichshank: Central School: 21 Feb 1923 Discussing the condition of play shed, gymnasium, and apparatus in various schools
H.J. Cruichshank: Central School: 1 Dec 1922 Looking to get diagrams for positions to aid in standardizing physical education
D. Christie: Ferryhill Public School: 23 March 1923 Incident where child, Catherine Gordon, was scribbling in books and was struck on the hand by Miss Welch. Childs response and parents letter thereafter. Letter from parents included.
George Fenton: Ruthrieston Intermediate School: 5 Feb 1923 Pupils registered at unemployment off but came to the school to enrol with a statement signed by James Dewar
George Fenton: Ruthrieston Intermediate School: 2 Dec 1921 Account of why he struck two male students in the name of the honour of the school
George Fenton: Ruthrieston Intermediate School: 2 March 1923 Frequency for which the irons are used
Margaret Galbraith: Rubislaw Special School: 22 Feb 1923 Responding to a request for records. There is no record for Alex Whyte.
Margaret Glabraith: Rubislaw Special School: 28 Feb 1923 Potential student’s, Douglas Henderson of 8 Albion Street, mother refuses to send him until he is supplied with clothing. Which was denied
John A Gill: Middle School: 8 March 1923 Issues with the singing instruction and question of qualification and age of staff
Margaret Galbraith: Rublislaw Special School: 16 March 1923 Qualifications and opinions of a Miss Jeannie Ross
F.H.Hoggarth: St. Andrew’s Cathedral School: 22 Jan 1923 The build next door is falling apart and planks are falling in the yard. Wanting to hold Mr. Hepburn, the owner to of the building but rents it to Brown’s Store, responsible for maintaining it
J.V. Hyslop: Education Offices: 14 Feb 1923 Suggested redistribution of teachers to various schools
L. Jenman: Queen’s Cross R.C. School: 29 January 1923 Letter asking if it should be encouraged for students to apply for special scholarships advertised. Families coming in with them. Includes: advertisement for scholarship and letter from “Daily Graphic” editor.
L. Janman: Queen’s Cross R.C. School: 5 Feb 1923 List of students in Supplementary classes
John H. Mennie: Walker Road Public School: 12 Jan 1922 Suggested alterations regarding the Control Examinations and age of children leaving infant department
John H. Mennie: Walker Road Public School: 7 March 1923 Roderick Craig of 97 Menzies Road, broke his leg playing at school with another boy. No blame is given by mother
D. MacKenzie: King Street School: 22 Jan 1923 Regarding Euphemia McDonald and the access to free books.
D. MacKenzie: King Street School: 8 March 1923 Student, George Brenner of 35 Park Road, has really poor eyesight and has been examined as few times with nothing being done. Dr. Rose, the school board doctor, said he will prosecute the parents if nothing is done now because it is that bad. Question of if they should exclude the child until something is done. Detrimental to the student and the case?
D. MacKenzie: King Street School: 9 March 1923 Follow up about George Brenner. Note from father included
D. MacKenzie: King Street School: 19 March 1923 Follow up about George Brenner.
C. McLeod: 13 March 1923 Asking for a plumber overhaul of Chemical Lab
D. MacKenzie: King Street School: 26 March 1923 Questions about transfer of student to this school
H.M. Grath: St. Mary’s R.C. School: 10 April 1923 Small outbreak of Scarlet fever at Nazareth House
Janet Nicol: King Street School: 13 Jan 2023 Wishing to decline consideration for a transfer due to it being unpleasant under Mr. McKenzie.
William Ross: Broomhill Public School: 29 January 1923 Student, Annie Peterson, not having appropriate footwear for the gymnasium was punished but issue might need to go to parents
William Ross: Broomhill Public School: 19 January 1923 Letter to show how the new ink writes.
Head Teachers Association: Broomhill School: 2 February 1923 Regarding the proposal for students to visit works and factories to explore future employment opportunities. Discusses dangers to the children, the limitations of the school timetable, questioning employer outcomes and tactics, etc
William Ross: Broomhill School: 22 February 1923 F. Kennedy Memorial Prize Essay subjects: Choosing an employment. A) why you chose it. B) How your prepare yourself for it. C) What it may lead to
Chaipuoide Roux: High School for Girls: 21 February1923 French letter stating that they are ill and haven’t been able to return.
Malespine: Lyon France: 4 March 1923 Regarding Miss Reux and her medical conditions (in French)
W. A. Hormonth: Frederick Street School: 9 January 1923 Pupil, Joseph Thomson: born 15/6/18, living at a Sailors home was enrolled. Father is a trawler and residing in Nova Scotia
Ruth Skinner: King Street School: 21 March 1923 Looking to have an interview to discuss future professional career
T. Sutherland: W. Evening School: 19 Feb 1923 Regarding fees to be returned to employees Crombie Secy.
L.L. Ward: High School For Girls: 17 January 1923 Requiring additional desks due to influx of students
L.L. Ward: High School for Girls: 22 January 1923 Small fire before school. Minor damage done. Fire brigade called
Marjory Williamson: Skene Square/ Frederick Street School: 2 February 1923 Additional qualifications in music/pianoforte
Scorgie: Education Offices: 10 Feb 1923 Request for use of hall by local church for concert: denied
A.Wallace: Central Secondary School: 29 January 1923 Regarding medical examinations of 8 junior students and their ailments
A.Wallace: Central Secondary School: 29 March 1923 Six students need to be deleted from forms because they were absent from Leaving Certificate exam. Names given
Scorgie: Education Offices: 21 Feb 1923 Requesting that the Ruthrieston Intermediate School use the hall at the High School for girls for an operetta called the “Mystic Mirror”. Reply from L.L. Ward given
L.L. Ward: High School for Girls: 1 Marvh 1923 Hall being used for dance is leaving powdered and slippery floors. New condition of use
L.L. Ward: High School for Girls: 21 Feb 1923 Requesting that the cookery department (entire) be deep cleaned
L.L. Ward: High Scholl for Girls: 16 Feb 1923 Update about Miss Reux
A.Wallace: Central Secondary School: 7 February 1923 Vaccination of student to end deferment
L.L. Ward: High School for Girls: 13 March 1923 Issues with the ink, sample being sent to show that it is unsatisfactory
A.Wallace: Central Secondary School: 30 March 1923 Medical and dental student pamphlet indication
A.Wallace: Central Secondary School: 9 March 1923 Discussion of possible candidates for the assistant art mistress ship at the school. Names, qualifications, and recommendations/ thoughts on each given |