
Reference NoCA/25/2/11/41
TitleAberdeen School Board Teachers' Letters (20)
DescriptionSelection made from original letter binder (see series level for appraisal criteria):
- John C Anderson, Ferryhill School: regarding members of the Practical Geometry & Trade Arithmetic who are in arrears
- John T Cruickshnkm Rubislaw Public School: regarding bank book for piano fund and charges. Includes letterhead for James Macbeth Pianoforte & Music Saloon, 181 Union Street. Stamped with 'Penny Lilac'.
- Rachel Annand, 60 Watson St: asking for assistance in securing a situation
- Rachel Annand, 60 Watson Street: this is the ‘formal application’ referred to in the above letter
- D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 7 Sept 1894l: regarding a change in staffing following a recent inspection
- James Allan, Rosemount Public School: recommending Robert Robertson to compete for a free place
- Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School: favourable report of the work of Miss Smythe
- J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School: favourable report of the work of Miss Annand [see letters above]
- Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School: suggest adding “Sound, Light and Heat” to the Science programme and recommends a teacher, Mr Christie, for the subject
- James Campbell, Frederick Street Public School: Gives favourable recommendations for appointing Miss Rae to fill a vacancy and for two other ladies, Miss Duguid and Miss Walker
- James Campbell, Frederick Street Public School: submits a statement abut a pupil, Mr England, with statement appended
- Duncan Clarke, 36 Mount St, Aberdeen: highlights the students who were successful in the Society of Arts examinations and who had also attended evening classes
- Allan Cameron, Marywell Street Public School: lists pupils who had not passed Standard V and were aged under 14
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School: letter asking for payment for two girls who have served as monitors
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School: regarding disallowance of Latin passes for two girls
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School: regarding Science classes and his concerns
- Wm B Duguid, Woodside School: wishes to apply for Evening School work and states his experience
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: regarding a complaint about a boy and his lack of books
- A Green, Skene Square Public School: Asks for the extension of Miss Cruickshank’s services as other teachers are lacking in Drill instruction.
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: requests the services of Maria Carr at the piano for drill exercises [Maria Carr is a blind pupil – see above entry]
- William Hendry, 28 Braemar Place, Aberdeen: asks to be considered for situation of headmaster of Evening Classes and gives details of his teaching experience
- Harietta D Hall, Ashley Road Public School: asking to be taken off the leet for Old Aberdeen
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: states he has refused admission to 130 pupils over 2 days and encloses a copy of notice given to parents
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: regarding teachers wishing to attend a class on ‘Hygiene’
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: regarding a visit by Col Cruden to Drill classes
- Association of Teachers in the Secondary Schools of Scotland, Aberdeen Branch, May 1894: letter appending resolutions passed at recent meetings
- J R Jones, Navigation School, Aberdeen: regarding prizes for the students and comments on those attending before or after going to sea
- ??, 68 Springbank Terrace, Aberdeen, 2 June 1894: regarding the benefit of visits to schools in London
- D Bennett Lothian, King St Public School: wishes to apply for Headmastership of ‘Continuation Evening School’ and notes his experience
- J W Legge, 20 Balmoral Place, Aberdeen: regarding inspecting Science and Art classes as well as Continuation classes in Ferryhill, King St and Skene Square.
- Isabella Watt Moore, 9 Bon Accord St: Pupil Teacher at Torry Public School but wishes a transfer
- Beatrice G Mennie, Chapel Street, Aberdeen: wishes to apply for the vacancy in the Infants’ Dept, Old Aberdeen Public School and details her experience
- W L Marr, 26 Albyn Grove: asks for the recent results of his teaching be added to his application for the vacancy at the Girls’ High School
- Alex Moodie, Woodside: wishes to teach at Evening School but preferably at Woodside
- Maxwell H Mackie, Hotel de Salais, Paris: about James Donald who attended French Evening Class; interesting postscript about crossing the channel
- John McBain, High School for Girls: revising the prospectus but one teacher has been omitted, Miss Fanny Dawson; comments on her teaching and that of Miss Combe
- John McBain, High School for Girls: regarding an incident when partition glass was broken
- John McBain, High School for Girls: details amendments to proposed Regulations
- John McBain, High School for Girls: regarding the use of senior pupils as student teachers to help with backward pupils
- John McBain, High School for Girls: regarding music teachers and the desirability of having Mr Brumleu on the staff [See p.133 Board Meeting 18th October 1894, item (6)]
- John A McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School: objecting to changing the date of the Examinations from May to November
- C McLeod, 16 Arduthie Road, Stonehaven, 29 June 1894 to Mr Finlayson: regarding teaching evening classes in Science and more generally about the teaching of Science subjects
- C McLeod, 16 Arduthie Road, Stonehaven, 29 June 1894 to Mr Hector: regarding teaching evening classes in Science and more generally about the teaching of Science subjects [see above]
- John McBain, High School for Girls, 27th April 1894: regarding lack of appointments made for teaching of French and Latin and impact [See p. 58 Board Meeting 14th June 1894, item 71; pp. 81-84 Board Meeting 3rd September 1894]
- John McBain, High School for Girls, 30 August 1894: complaining about the lack of appointment of a French teacher and suggests a Miss Rennett [See pp. 81-84 Board Meeting 3rd September 1894, p.133 Board Meeting 18th October, items (7) & (8), 132.]
- John A McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School: regarding the teaching of sewing and music
- John McBain, High School for Girls: recommends Miss Bain acting as substitute teacher for her aunt, Miss Watson
- William McLean, Hanver Street Public School: explains why he has moved a pupil, Nora Ann Morris, from St. IV to St. III.
- John McBain, High School for Girls: due to the number of music pupils Mr Erckmann has, he has less time for Drill classes so they may require a special instructor [See p. 96 Board Meeting, 20th September 1894 item (7), pp.130-134 Board Meeting 18th October 1894]
- James Pope, 28 Victoria St, Aberdeen: two pupils, W, G Melvin & James A Simpson, passed 2nd class in Advanced Light and Shade but have not yet received their certificates
- James Pope, Grammar School, 13 Nov 1893: complaining about the unsuitability of the lighting in his room for teaching Shading; design of tables for teaching Drawing from casts; stock of casts inadequate for numerous Art classes [See next entry H F Morland Simpson]
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 23 Nov 1893: memo regarding Mr Pope’s complaint about the light for teaching Art classes and suggests solutions [see above James Pope]
- Maggie C A Pope, 28 Victoria St, Aberdeen, 11 April 1894: wishes to be considered as a candidate for an appointment in the Central Continuation School, Little Belmont Street; details her experience and encloses a list of her certificates and a testimonial [See p.34 Board Meeting 14th June 1894, item (a)]
- John Peter, Ruthrieston Public School: regarding teaching arrangements due to size of rooms; expecting a visit from Colonel Birch
- Eliza Cran Rae, Messenger’s House, Town and County Bank, 31st May 1894: wishes to be considered a candidate for situation of Infants’ Mistress in Frederick Street Public School and details her experience [See p.34 Board Meeting 14th June 1894, item (a)]
- Eliza Cran Rae, Messenger’s House, Town and County Bank, 8th June, 1894: confirms her wish to be a candidate for Infants’ Mistress at Frederick Street Public School [See p.34 Board Meeting 14th June 1894, item (a), p. 35 item (3), p.57 item 64, p. 58 item 70]
- L Mainnie?, 62 Springbank Terrace: wishes a situation teaching dressmaking and details her experience
- Elizabeth Rennie, Garlogie, 29th August 1894: asks to be put on the Board’s list of teachers for vacancies
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 23 July 1894: comments on percentage of passes in different subjects
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 31 Aug 1894 [letter incomplete]: regarding teaching Science; the provision of appliances funded by the Brebner? Fund; mentions Mr McLeod’s desire to teach Science evening classes and attaches a proviso [See C McLeod above]; details the number of boys enrolled
- H F Morland Simpson, Grammar School, 16 June 1894; 7 foolscap pages – p1. is a Report on the Free Scholars, 1893-94; pp. 2-7 Rector’s Report on the Grammar School Session 1893-94
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School: regarding the health of a teacher, Miss Anderson
- P Smart, Torry Public School: asks for the name of a bookseller in connection with the sale of books in school
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School: asks for a great number of scissors to be sharpened before Inspection day
- H F Morland Smith, Hamilton Place: suggests amending the start date of the summer holidays and lists the reasons why
- H F Morland Smith, Aberdeen Grammar School: issues about accommodating the Leaving Certificate Examination
- P Smart, Torry Public School: asks for the extension of contract of a teacher, Miss Mackie, due to class sizes
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: lists people to be invited to the school’s Prize Day
- H F Morland Smith, 80 Hamilton Place, 7 June 1894: thanks Mr Hector for his letter to the Town Council and intervention; comments on proposed Regulations, Leaving Certificate Examination, Grammar School Prizes, numbers of pupils, The Preparatory School
- HT Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: issues regarding the award of the Gold Medal
- J L Skea, St Paul Street Public School: testimonial for a teacher, Miss Hall
- P Smart, Torry Public School: requests the appointment of an additional assistant due to increase in numbers; recommends a Miss Margaret Allan Wood
- H F Morland Smith, Aberdeen Grammar School: requests the printing of postcards to notify students of the changed date of re-opening
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the state of the piano for lessons; comments on numbers on the roll
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 1 Aug 1894: he details issues he wishes to be addressed at the next meeting of the High Schools Committee, 11 including the postscript
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 27 Aug 1894: raises various issues including the furnishings for Mr Pope’s room [See entries above regarding lighting for teaching Art] and describes an alternative for a black-board; an instructor for carpentry; lists details for approval by the High Schools Board; comments on the Town Council’s scheme for Bursaries
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 18 Aug 1894: regarding the advert for the re-opening of the school, setting up the classrooms, enrolling new pupils and staff requirements
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: ‘Memorandum of Objections to the Method of Awarding the Johnston Medal, with proposals for amending the same’
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: ‘Memorandum on the Results of the Leaving Certificate Examination’
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the use of an old cabinet for the museum; the introduction of a ‘Black book’ to record corporal punishment
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the teaching of Science and its place in the curriculum; expresses concerns about Evening classes and how they may ‘interfere’ with the Day school [See C McLeod entries above]
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 15 Aug 1894: suggests wording for the advert about the re-opening of the school [See entry above 18 Aug 1894]
- J Skea, St Paul Street Public School: expressing disgust at windows not being cleaned
- J Skea, St Paul Street Public School: asking if ‘readers’ could be repaired by a bookbinder
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: asking for a new order of ink and chalk
- P Smart, Torry Public School, 10 Sept 1894: proposing the introduction of evening classes in cookery and needlework, equipment required and teaching requirements with recommendations
- P Smart, Torry Public School: explaining why cookery evening classes should be held on certain days as originally suggested [see above letter]
- J Skea, St Paul Street Public School: commenting on building plans with suggestions for improvements
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: equipment required following the rearrangement of classes
- Amelia Scott, King Street Public School: asking to be considered for situation of Infants Mistress at Frederick Street School [See above and p.34 Board Meeting 14th June 1894, item (a), p. 35 item (3), p.57 item 64, p. 58 item 70]
- J Skea, Little Inverey, [St Paul Street Public School]: asks for the name of a Pupil Teacher to be added to the pay list
- J Skea, St Paul Street Public School: regarding demonstration sheets for drawing classes, butdoes not want Bacon’s sheets
- Wm Stewart, Hawthorn Bank, Aberdeen: regarding evening classes in Woodside, subjects taught and added, and raises queries about fees
- York Street Public School: standard form of Aberdeen School Board for the exclusion of a pupil, duly completed for Andrew Walker
- P Smart, Torry Public School: regarding a complaint brought against a teacher, Miss Jessie Wilson, for allegedly slapping a boy on the side of the head
- Isabella L Urquhart: asks to be considered a candidate for the situation of Infant Mistress at Frederick Street School [See above and p.34 Board Meeting 14th June 1894, item (a), p. 35 item (3), p.57 item 64, p. 58 item 70]
- A G Wallace, Central Public School: makes suggestions for the permanent staffing of the school with recommendations for specific teachers to join the staff
- A G Wallace, Central Public School: expresses his preference from the short leet for the appointment of Assistantship
- R Watson, Porthill Public School: suggests when building improvements may be most conveniently carried out to the school
- R Watson, Porthill Public School: about a misunderstanding regarding improvements to be carried out to the school [see above]
- R Watson, Porthill Public School: testimonial for Miss Mennie
- R Watson, Porthill Public School: about delays with the building improvements [see above]
- R Watson, Porthill Public School: requests the appointment of a certificated assistant as a consequence of the building improvements [see above]
- Lucy L Ward, High School for Girls, 21 July 1894: recommending Miss Rose Topham and Miss Nicholson as suitable candidates for the situation of French teacher [[See pp. 81-84 Board Meeting 3rd September 1894, p.133 Board Meeting 18th October, items (7) & (8), 132.]
- Mary Young, Invergairn Cottage, Ballater: thanking Mr Hector for a personal gift of cards for colouring and expressing na opinion Art
- Mary Gray, Aberdeen Grammar School: lists parents’ surnames – purpose unclear
Date25/5/1894 - 20/9/1894
Extent1 bundle
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