
Reference NoCA/25/2/11/42
TitleAberdeen School Board Teachers' Letters (21)
DescriptionSelection made from original letter binder (see series level for appraisal criteria):
- J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School: regarding the obstacles to the teaching of Science Classes
- John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School: asking for an additional teacher due to the number of pupils enrolled
- James Allan, Rosemount Public School: asks for more towels for cookery classes and a supply of ink for the school
- James E Anderson, 5 Calsayseat Road, Aberdeen, 5 Oct 1894: classroom for teaching Machine Construction and Drawing is too small for the number of pupils enrolled
- James E Anderson, 5 Calsayseat Road, Aberdeen, 8 Oct 1894: regarding the appointment of an additional teacher; number of pupils on the roll has increased further [see previous entry]
- James E Anderson, 5 Calsayseat Road, Aberdeen: advising now has 67 pupils for Machine Construction and Drawing [Se previous 2 entries]
- John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School: addresses issues in connection with the proposed introduction Gymnastics & musical Drill classes
- John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School: a statement of numbers enrolled in several classes
- James E Anderson, 5 Calsayseat Road, Aberdeen: number of applications for Assistantship in Machine Construction and Drawing [see above entries]
- James Allan, Rosemount Public School: recommends the permanent appointment of Miss Greig
- J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School: regarding a difference in the calculation of absentees
- J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School: requires another Assistant due to the increase in pupil numbers
- J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School: no pupil suitable for transfer to the Grammar School
- Jas. Barnett, Middle Public School: regarding a pupil with sight impairment
- Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School: regarding a shortage of Lanterns for teaching classes in night school
- J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School: regarding Isabella Preston being asked to apply for a position in Kirkhill School but preferable that she remain at Commerce St.
- Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School: regarding the enrolment of half-time children and the impact on the school
- J C Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School: problem with smoke in the Infants Room
- Duncan Clarke, 36 Mount Street, Aberdeen: advises which teachers will be taking certain classes and suggests Mr Jones for Chemistry and Dr Riddell for Ambulance Lectures
- Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School: regarding selection of 10 free scholars, Campbell mentions Alfred Catto and his Guardian James Catto
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square [Evening] School: raises various issues: staff shortage as 96 in Standard VI and assistance required for Practical Evenings; attendance for cookery evening class; associating Advanced Dressmaking with City & Guilds of London
- John T Cruickshank, Rubislaw Public School: lists various points pupils going forward to the “Grammar School Free Place” competition; cloth for dressmaking; impact of the lack of a letter box at the school
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Evening School: encloses a statement of class enrolment numbers as at 11th October 1894
- D Christie, Ferryhill School: advises that 6 enrolled in the subject of Sound, Light and Heat at the Central school
- Nellie Cook, Kincorth House, Nigg: advises that 24 pupils enrolled at Torry Evening School for cookery
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School: clarifies the situation regarding the acquisition of Drawing materials for pupils
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School, 17th Oct 1894: urgently requires a teacher for Shorthand and another in Book-keeping
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School,22nd Oct 1894: asks for agreement to appoint Mr James Nicol to teach Shorthand; difficulty in finding a teacher for Book-keeping and mentions Mr Alexander Lawrence [see above entry]
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School, 22nd Oct 1894: instead of Mr Alex Lawrence, recommends appointment is given to Mr Wishart [See above entries]
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School, 24th Oct 1894: asks again for Mr Nicol to be appointed to teach Shorthand
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School: testimonial for a Miss M. Urquhart, Dressmaking/Sewing
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School, 5th Nov. 1894: regarding re-locating senior Shorthand pupils to another school nearby due to class size
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School, 12th Nov. 1894: Shorthand pupils to be transferred to Rosemount School [see previous entry]
- Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School: regarding the case of a pupil, Wm Chisholm, and attendance at school whilst under the discipline of the Board’s Committee
- C S Copland, Westfield Public School: advises that a pupil, Annie Cruickshank, was not fit to pass Standard I and was presented as an Infant
- Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Ev. School: asks for approval for a draft timetable, especially regarding 3 points highlighted – time for calling of the roll, provision for teaching of Practical Cookery to Continuation Class Girls and Lantern classes
- G C Dawson, F. C. O., Organist of St Machar’s Cathedral and Music Master at the Girls’ High School: recommends a Miss G Law as a pianoforte teacher [George Cummings Dawson, ref. blog – marries sister of father’s apprentice in a Grocer’s shop]
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: recommends 3 pupils for the competition for free places at the Grammar School – Wm Collins, Alexr Fairweather, Wm Trail.
- G F Duthie, Maryville, Woodside, Aberdeen: regarding Miss Agnes Marr who had passed second class at the July Exam for Queen’s Scholarship.
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School: details the professional history of Miss Donald
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: the election of Mr Alexr Murray to the School Board has left the school without a bookseller and he asks for agreement to use Mr John Adam
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: a pupil teacher, Miss Annie Wood, is ill with scarlet fever and a replacement is required until her return to teaching
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School: asking for advice as to whether 3 Pupil Teachers who have finished their apprenticeship can continue on duty or be paid at the same rate as 4th year P.Ts as was the practice with the Old Machar Board
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 5th Nov. 1894: asks what to do with the pupils as the Old Burgh Hall is to be used as a polling station
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 7th Nov. 1894: advises he had to dismiss the whole school yesterday; infants have always been included within the whole Infant Dept.
- G F Duthie, Woodside Public School: regarding Sir John Anderson’s deed whereby £6 a year is given for the support of the school library
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: regarding staffing arrangements of Pupil Teachers – Miss Annie Hay, Miss Helen Scott and Miss Lizzie Anderson – especially as Miss Annie Wood is off with scarlet fever [See above entry]
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: in anticipation of Mr Masson, teacher, bringing a complaint to the Board, Darling explains the custom of how children in families with fever are dealt with at school
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: continuation of explanation regarding the children who were ill with fever [see previous entry]
- James Darling, Holburn Street Public School: regarding the use of Nelson’s Star Reader No VI as a Sixth Standard Rading Book in Elementary Schools
- Mr Ecrkmann, Girls’ High School; regarding his salary; details his employment history in support of his argument for level of remuneration [See p.155 Board Meeting, 15th November 1894, item (2)]
- Mr [Friedrich] Erckmann, Girls’ High School: encloses further statements and testimonials in support of his argument for remuneration [see previous entry and See p.155 Board Meeting, 15th November 1894, item (2)]
- F Erckmann, Albyn Place, Aberdeen, 20th Oct 1894: regarding an earlier request to be relieved from teaching musical Drill and the consequences of the lack of action [See previous entries and p.155 Board Meeting, 15th November 1894, item (2)]
- Statement of St Clement St. School Savings Bank [1894, Sept to Nov]
- Alexander Forbes, Marywell Street Public School, 28th Sept 1894: recommends a pupil for an exam under the terms of a Circular dated 26th curt. – John Clark
- W Fyfe, Central School: gives the numbers enrolled in English Language & Literature Class
- A Forbes, 31 King St, Aberdeen: asks which bookseller the school can use [see James Darling, Holburn St Public School above]
- James Findlay, 158 Bon Accord St, 4th Oct 1894: regarding the use of pupil teachers in the school, especially Alice Hay, Jeanie Rae and Isabella M. Caie
- Jas Findlay, St Clement Street Public School, 16th Oct 1894: regarding pupil teachers, particularly Miss Alice Hay and Miss Jeanie Ray [see previous entry]
- Alexander Forbes, Marywell Street Public School, 5th Nov 1894: regarding staffing cover for an exam due to illness
- James Findlay, St Clement Street School, 24th Oct 1894: regarding pupil teacher, Miss Caie, who is proving unsuitable; wishes to continue the services of Alice Russell together with Anni Walker as pupil teachers [see previous entries 4th & 16th Oct 1894]
- Alexander Forbes, Marywell Street Public School: regarding the lack of a Table for science experiments, the lack of writing places in Standard I room, and the lack of provision for cloaks and hats
- Geo. S Forst, 175 Skene Street West, Aberdeen, 23rd Nov. 1894: regarding discontinuing the use of St Andrew Street School as a special half-time school; scholars and teachers transferred to the Middle School
- A Green, Skene Square Public School: Advising the Board of the names of 3 pupils eligible for the competition for free places in the Grammar School: – George Cran, William Grant and George Skakle.
- A Green, Skene Square Public School: requesting certificates for the candidates for Green’s Scholarships and advises who the candidates are:- Maggie J Murray, Lizzie I Smith, Maggie A Smith and Elsie Shepherd
- John Gordon, Girls’ High School: advising that he has seen Mr Alexr Low, Sanitary Inspector, Town & County Buildings, who is willing to assist in the Building construction class Central [Evening] School
- John Gordon, Girls’ High School: advises that 65 have enrolled for the Building construction class Central (Evening) School [See entry above]
- A Green, Skene Square Public School: as the school is to be used as a polling booth, he is concerned that the Gymnasium will not be cleared in time to accommodate 150 pupils on the following day
- Gustav Hein: advises that 30 have enrolled for German Evening classes – 12 in the junior class and 18 in the advanced
- Thos. C Hynd, King Street Public School, 12 Oct 1894: he reports two new cases of measles:- Matheson and Gauld
- Gustav Hein, German Evening Classes: invitation to attend the distribution of certificates gained by the students in the Society of Arts Examinations
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 4 Oct 1894: regarding the measles epidemic, no new cases have been reported
- King Street Public School: regarding cases of measles and the percentage of absentees
- [King Street Public School]: Foolscap sheet headed ‘Measles’ with a list of cases for the period 15.9.[18]94 to 9.10.[18]94
- [King Street Public School]: sheet headed ‘Room 3’ with a list of pupils, addresses and reasons for absence
- Thos. C Hynd, King Street Public School, 28.9.1894: regarding the outbreak of Measles, Dr Matthew Hay visited the school and wished to close the Infants Rooms but Mr Hynd advises that he is thinking of fumigating the rooms
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 15 October 1894: advises the numbers of cases of measles
- T C Hynd, King Street Public School, 5 Oct 1894: reports no new cases of measles and refers to ‘the infested “Room 3” [see entries above]
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: advises that a meeting of the Teachers’ Association is due to take place
- T C Hynd, King Street Public School, 10 October 1894: advises that another family, Johnston of 33 Commerce Street, should be added to the number of Measles cases
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: regarding a forthcoming meeting of ‘our Association’ and a report on Bible Examinations
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: regarding a Pupil Teacher, Jessie Morrison, who was unable to attend the Examination due to ill health and asks what can be done in the circumstances
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: advises that ‘the young people’ have always had a member of the Board as Chairman of their meeting
- Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School: asks to see the list of names for the Honour’s Board so he can check it
- John R Jack, Rosemount Public School: advises the number of students enrolled in Advanced Physiography and Elementary Physiography at the Central [Evening] School
- J R Jones, Central [Evening] School: advises the number of students enrolled in Navigation class
- D Bennett Lothian, King St. Evg School: advises the number of students enrolled in Continuation Classes and Special Classes
- D Bennett Lothian, 4 Beechgrove Place, Aberdeen: regarding the staffing arrangements for teaching the different classes at King St Evg School, including Drill and Gymnastics ~(Mr Jas Sorrie and accompanist, Miss Maria Carr) and their remuneration
- Calder M Lawrence, 198 Union Street, Aberdeen: encloses the interim receipt for the Aberdeen School Board’s Mortgage [ with enclosure]
- Maxwell H Mackie, Central School: advises of the number of pupils in the Evening French classes
- Jas Mitchell, 67 Union Grove, Aberdeen: advises the number of enrolments in Applied Mechanics & Steam
- H Menzies: advises the numbers of students enrolled in Elementary Mathematics and ‘Mag. & Electricity’
- William D McLean, Albion Street Public School: following interviews with two girls, he advises that he would like to secure Maggie Grant to join the staff
- John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 28th Sept 1894: advises that William H Rae may be suitable for the Grammar School Bursaries [s entry below, 5th Oct 1894]
- School of Design: sheet listing the numbers in different classes
- John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School: complaining about the evil smells emanating from the Water Closets in the Teachers’ Lavatories
- Joh McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School: regarding Pupil Teacher, Miss Georgina Johnston, aged 17 years, and asks which examination he should prepare her for
- C McLeod: advises of the numbers of students in various science Evening classes at the Grammar School
- Jas C McLeod, Central Public School: advises the numbers of students attending other science classes [see previous entry]
- John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 5th Oct, 1894: advises that he has made a mistake in recommending William H Rae as a suitable candidate for a Free Scholarship at the Grammar School [see entry above, 28th Sept 1894]
- John McBain, High School for Girls: argues the case for a student teacher to assist with teaching backward pupils and delicate pupils; postscript advises that Miss Rutherfoord is of the standard required
- John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School: asks if a pupil, Miss Mina Gauld, aged 16 years, is eligible to sit the Candidates’ Examination a second time
- John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School: requesting a Pupil Teacher as additional help for the correcting of exercises and teaching in the Sixth Standard and upper classes
- John A McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School: advises that there is a mistake regarding the number of absentees in the Infant Department and gives details of absentees for the past month
- John McBain, High School for Girls: the cookery mistress prepares Lunch for a number of the pupils and this has proved so popular that a qualified assistant is required as well as a third stove
- John McBain, High School for Girls, 9th Nov 1894: explains why an additional music teacher is still required
- C McLeod, Grammar School: advises that the standard in the Advanced Mathematics Evening class is so mixed that James Davidson assists him regularly and suggests that Davidson should register as a Science Teacher
- John McKenzie, Skene Street Public School: regarding the extension of apprenticeship for 3 years of Miss Maggie S Smith
- William D McLean, Hanover Street Public School: encloses a list of children in serious need of books & clothing [enclosure missing]
- John P McCann, School of Design: requests more plaster casts from Messrs Burucciani & Co, London, as far short of what they require for the large classes they have; numbers enrolled for the different classes given
- John McBain, High School for Girls: requests a piano due to the high number of pupils for piano lessons
- Chas McLeod, Grammar School: wishes to give lessons on Light to one of his classes but cannot do so unless the room is darkened, and without the use of a Lantern. Also hampered by the lack of apparatus that was requested some time ago. Asks for an allowance to cover expenses for a small stock of articles for such lessons.
- John Peters, Middle Public School: advises that if Practical Geometry is to be taught in connection with the Science & Art Department, he possesses qualifications which enable him to earn grants.
- Foolscap sheet headed “Penny Bank” giving details of transactions, staff involved and number of weeks it has been operating
- John Peter, Ruthrieston Public School: recommends 4 boys as candidates for the examination for a place at the Grammar School – Gavin Gillespie, Joseph Sinclair, Robert Davie, Robert Clark.
- James A Phillips, Northfield Public School: Standard I class was examined in the Stevenson Street Hall previously, but this year it is to be taught and examined in the Infant Room
- John Peters, Middle Public School: advises the numbers enrolled in Practical Geometry & Trade Arithmetic (Mensuration) and Elementary Mathematics classes
- Note from J B Philip: Botany classes – numbers at Central School and Grammar School, although roll is not complete
- John Peters, Middle Public School: advises the Geometry and Trade Arithmetic is now to form part of the Continuation School under the subject Mensuration and will therefore cease to have any connection with the Science and Art Department.
- John Peter, Ruthrieston Public School: advising that Joseph Sinclair and Robert Davie have withdrawn from the competition [for Grammar School; See previous entry]
- James Pope, 28 Victoria St: gives the numbers enrolled in Science subject 1 and Art evening classes
- James Pope, 28 Victoria St: raises a query about the casts used at the examinations in some drawing classes which were to be retained by the school for whose use they were sent, but this arrangement appears to have changed; also asks if prizes may be awarded by the Board to pupils in his evening classes
- John Peter, Ruthrieston Public School: regarding use of the Infant Room for Cookery class and the impact on dinners for the children; also advising when Sewing class will be taught
- John Peter, Ruthrieston Public School: regarding staffing arrangements and the necessity for a Certified Teacher to be appointed instead of a P.T. [Pupil Teacher] due to the size of class; sketch of classes and numbers taught enclosed
- L. Mainnie?, 62 Springbank Terrace, Aberdeen: gives the numbers enrolled in the dressmaking classes in Torry School and Ferryhill School
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding a mob of around 200 Gordon’s College boys who caused a disturbance at the school; encloses his letter of complaint to Dr Ogilvie, Gordon’s College together with Dr Ogilvie’s reply and a newspaper cutting about the disturbance
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding a Free Scholarship for Craigie Milne; also mentions Minty[?] Robertson, St Paul’s School who was second on the list
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 18 Oct 1894: sheet detailing the Free Scholarship Examination, October 13, 1894 with a list of the pupils names, marks in the individual papers of the examination and the order in total marks gained
- H T moland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 9 Nov 1894: expresses doubt about the performance of Nos 9 and 10 in the Free Scholarship Examinations [See previous entry 18 Oct 1894]
- P Smart, Torry Public School: gives the name of one pupil who may wish to try [for a free scholarship?] – James Stark
- J Rutherfoord?, Girls’ High School: argues the case for a scullery maid to assist with cookery classes and preparation of lunches for about 100 pupils
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: raises various issues regarding staffing, including “grumbles … afloat at the end of last session” which he discussed with Dr Dey
- Note form St Paul St School with a list of candidates for free places at the Grammar School - Craigie Milne [See above entry], John Robertson and Elisha Ferguson
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: asks if his scheme for Evening Preparation classes can proceed and also if there is to be a “function” when their buildings are complete
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: complains that the Pavilion windows and shutters are not satisfactory; the padlock for the Games box is also not satisfactory; asks if his circular regarding the Preparation Evening classes can go to the printer; in a postscript refers to a complaint by Mr Kerr about the award of the Anderson Scholarship to Fred W Galloway [See above entry]
- Wm Stewart, Woodside P. School: details the numbers enrolled for various classes [evening classes?]
- P Smart, Torry Public School: argues that a requisition for 5 dozen pairs of musical drill flags and bells is really necessary owing to the increased number of infants
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: letter to Gordon Riddoch advising that his son’s absence for 4 weeks in a quarter entitles him to a reduction in fees
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding a list of Rectors of the school since 1262, which he suggests should be inscribed on the walls of their Public Hall
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School: mentions a former pupil, Jessie Campbell, and a current pupil at Central School, Charlotte Gillespie, who may be suitable for an opening [Pupil Teacher position]
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School: asks for a table with folding up legs for cookery class
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: asks if the Free Scholars are now eligible to attend Evening Class
- J S Skea, 269 G. W. Road: writes on a personal matter about finding a teaching settlement for her niece, Cecilia T W Chalmers, a student in the F. C. Training college
- A H Smith, 11 Jackson Terrace, Aberdeen: wishes to apply for position of shorthand assistant teacher and details her qualifications and experience
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School: asks for any girl who might be anxious to get a little experience in elementary school work to be sent to her to help as two of her Pupil Teachers are also studying for the Entrance exam for Training College
- Mrs Stewart, Woodside Public School: includes a list of pupils who have yet to pay their fees with explanations
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: asks if a bust of Byron, after Chantry, could be used to decorate their Public Hall
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School: regarding Pupil Teachers and the ‘ridiculous arrangements existing at present for regulating the entrance of P.T.s to the Training Colleges’
- P Smart, Torry Public School: regarding their care-taker having to pay extra to take delivery of a box containing drawing models for the school because the ‘Railway people’ and ‘shipping’ do not yet recognise Torry as being within the Burgh
- H t Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding a list of Benefactors who had specified the Grammar School in their wills – ‘The Williamson Bounty’ and ‘The Ramsay Bequest’
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: encloses a timetable for classes in the Organised Science and Art School
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the timetable for the Free Scholarship Examination and advises that Fred W Galloway was awarded the Anderson Scholarship [see entry above about complaint]
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: raises various issues including the Johnston Medal, the Bank excluding the payment of teachers on a Saturday, a drain cover in their field that needs repairing before the start of football and a Games Fund.
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the boys who sat the Free Scholarship Oral Examination with a list of names and his comments on their performance
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the employment of Miss Bruce at the school with reference to the use of ‘female labour’ in the school to do a ‘man’s work’
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: regarding the teaching of German class and he believes Miss Bruce of New Machar to be suitable [see previous entry]
- H T M S, 11. 1894: Alex. Jas McDiarmid (Class VI) is the only one of the name in his time
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 18 Oct 1894: explaining the calculation of marks for the Free Scholarship Examinations; he adds a percentage for age, ‘raises’ or ‘reduces’ marks proportionally to obviate inequalities when one paper is hard and another easy etc.
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 13 Oct 1894: asks if a teacher can be recommended to take 4 hours of beginners German a week; also Alex Findlay rejoins his classes; Menzies & Brownie are fully occupied; he suggests Miss Brebner on a pro tem basis if she knows German; there has been another disturbance from over 100 G C boys who broke a window; he raises issues about the seats in the Pavilion, football fences, the Games Committee and lengthening hours of instruction
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 19 Oct 1894: Miss Bruce’s hours do not suit the German Division of Med. IV and he asks if someone else can be recommended; Mr Alexander Findlay has closed his work there; Mr Brownie’s extra work with Bursary Candidates is closed [See above including references to Miss Bruce]
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 1 Nov 1894: the Secretary of the Shire Cricket Club has offered the use of their pitch for the Grammar School boys to practise on; he asks for a speedy decision from the Board including about the administration of Games Fund
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 12 Nov 1894: he argues the case for Mr Charles Davidson to be paid on a permanent salary (which H.T.M.S. thought was the case) instead of being paid pro rata
- J Sutherland, Girls’ High School, 7th Nov 1894: regarding the number of scholars who have been taking lunch
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 31 Oct 1894: regarding an illustrated article to be written about the Grammar School by Dr Poole, Lytham, Lancashire for publication in St James’s Budget
- H F Morland Simpson, 80 Hamilton Place, 21 Nov 1894: regarding the seating arrangements for examinations and the design of seats (with a sketch) and desks
- J S Skea, St Paul Public School, Oct 29th 1894: regarding Emily McKessar and a mistake regarding the stage she is at in her Pupil teacher training
- P Smart, Torry Public School, 2 Nov 1894: reminding the Board that a teacher will be required for the Infant Dept as Miss Mackie, an ex-Pupil teacher leaves for College.
- H F Morland Smith, Aberdeen Grammar School, 15 Nov 1894: asks about eligibility of Grammar School boys for half fees for Evening continuation classes
- J B Spalding, York Street Public School. 23 Nov 1894: advising the Board of children in need of clothing
- J B Spalding, York Street Public School, 22 Nov 1894: regarding the sick absences of Miss A Durno, with a suggestion that the Board approach Dr Bannie to inquire if she would be able to go on with her work
- P Smart, Torry Public School, 21 Nov 1894: regarding the appointment of Miss Georgina Wood as Miss Mackie’s successor; Miss Wood has to give a month’s notice to Kirkcaldy Board
- H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 27 Oct 1894: regarding lists of Rectors and Benefactors for inclusion on their walls; the choice of motto for the Benefactors; list of distinctions and distinguished F.Ps [lists not attached]
- J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School. 30th Oct 1894: hours for the Infants reduced in December and January due to danger of crossing George St in the dark
- R ? Watson, Porthill Public School, 13th Nov 1894: school closing early to allow it to be cleaned before an inspection
- Thomas W Wishart, 25 Mount Street, 19 Oct 1894: applying for position of Assistant at Evening Classes teaching Book Keeping with details of experience
- Lucy L Ward, Westbourne House, Nov 27 1894: regarding Miss E P Hughes who is to give a lecture on 123th December on subject of “Professional preparation for Teachers, especially with reference to that required by University graduates, and to the Experiments in training tried at the Cambridge Training College”
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