Description | Selection made from original letter binder (see series level for appraisal criteria): • John C Anderson, Ferryhill School, 10 Sept 1895: regarding timetables; explains why Cookery was omitted for Continuation Classes and also Reading does not appear • James E Anderson, 5 Calsayseat Road, Aberdeen, 30 September 1895: appointed teacher of Machine Construction and Drawing but there is confusion over the amount of his salary and payment of the assistants • John McBain, Girls’ High School, 16th August 1895: regarding desks for pupils emerging from Infants Department, average 9 years old • Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School, 4 September 1895: regarding the number of Pupil Teachers employed through the Aberdeen School Board and the costs involved • Madaleine Bisset, 37 Desswood Place, Aberdeen, 20 September 1895: acted as accompanist to the Musical Drill taught in Skene Square School and wishes to apply for teaching in Evening Continuation Classes • Madalaine Bisset, 37 Desswood Place, Aberdeen, 1 October 1895: appointed an assistant in Rosemount Evening School • Duncan Clarke, Ardessier, Fort George Station, 8 July 1895: advising that ‘Technical World’ has published the results of Dressmaking and stating how well their students have done • Geo. Cruden, Interim Secretary, Aberdeen Physical Training College, 21 August 1894: annexing a statement showing the schools visited by their staff as instructors of Musical Drill and the days and hours of the visit to each school • Jas Campbell, Frederick Street School, 4 September 1895: regarding the Pupil Teachers on the staff including Mary J Reid • Alan Cameron, Skene Street Public School, 10 September 1895: regarding the timetable and hour of dismissal for pupils attending evening Continuation Classes • Frederick Street Public School: a report, unsigned, regarding the Pupil teachers of Third Year on the staff • Duncan Clarke, 36 Mount St, 19 September 1895: he mentions Mr John P Gill, his theory on how Grants to Teachers for Society of Arts Successes should be made and Speedmaking Classes • Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Public School, 24 September 1895: about the teaching of Shorthand by Mr Lain, Mr Gill and Mr Nicol and the awarding of Grants [See above letter, 19 September 1895] • Duncan Clarke, 36 Mount St, Aberdeen, 25 September 1895: regarding the payment to teachers of Junior Book-keeping, namely Messrs Barron, Davie and Smith • Duncan Clarke, 36 Mount St, Aberdeen, 26 September 1895: advising that Professor Robertson is to present the Society of Arts Certificates • John Clarke, County Committee on Secondary Education, 25 September 1895: regarding a meeting to discuss a loan to the Aberdeen school Board • John Clarke, County Committee on Secondary Education, 3 October 1895: states the terms on which a loan of £2,000 has been made to the School Board [See previous letter, 25 September 1895] • J F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 28 August 1895: Miss Brown has insufficient experience to fill the vacancy of Drawing teacher, which is being created by Rattray leaving at the end of the week • John F Cruickshank, Rubislaw Public School, 25 June 1895: regarding an assistant for Miss Johnston; Miss Cooper is about to leave and the postscript refers to the appointment of Miss Milne in her place [See p. 331Board Meeting, 27th June 1895, item c] • C S Copland, Westfield Public School, 17 August 1895: regarding pupils Christina Stout and Christina Baxter and the standard of their work in Standard V • Nellie Cook, Cults: tendering her resignation as Cookery teacher as she has been appointed a teacher in the School of Cookery and Domestic Economy • Alice Craig, 13 Nelson Street, Aberdeen, 8 August 1895: wishes an appointment as a Junior Certificated Assistant and details her experience [See p.393 Board Meeting 19th September 1895, item 352.] • Henrietta C Duthie, Holburn Street Public School, 25 September 1895: tendering her resignation as Junior Certificated Assistant as she has accepted an appointment in South Africa • G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 27 June 1895: requests a Drawing Certificate for William Dawson and lists his qualifications • G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 26 June 1895: regarding the employment of Miss Wallace and her possible duties; the postscript refers to the forthcoming inspection coinciding with the shopkeepers holiday [See p. 334 Board Meeting 27th June 1895, item (11)] • G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 26 June 1895: a member of the Board is to present the prizes for Bible. • G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 1 July 1895: regarding the Library Fund and payment of the Librarian’s Salary which went to the senior P.T. • G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 5 September 1895: he lists the names of the Pupil Teachers taking the Examination for admission to Training College: James Downie, Flora Mitchell, Jemima Skinner and Annie B Jaffray • G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 30 August 1895: regarding the Irregular Scholars List and its advantages • Jas Findlay, St Clement Street Public School, 17th Sept 1895: regarding Miss Annie Walker and Miss A Russell and the staffing of the school • H J Findlay, 89 Leslie Road, Sept 1895: enquiring about any vacancies on the evening school staff and giving brief details of their experience and education • Alexander Forbes, Skene Street School, 13 August 1895: asking for additional staff due to the high number of the recent intake of Infants • Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 14 August 1895: stating that the Teacher required for the Infants has to be qualified to teach musical Drill [See previous memo 13 August 1895] • Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 28th August 1895: advises that it is custom to take the afternoon for the “Timmer Market” • Charlotte R Fergusson, 24 Harbour St, Plockton, 15 August 1895: explaining why she has been unable to call to see Mr Hector, Aberdeen School board, in connection with an appointment • Jane Forbes, 32 Desswood Place, Aberdeen, 26 August 1895: asking for an extension of sick leave from Girls’ High School; comments on Mr McBain, Head Teacher • Margaret Farquharson, Rora School, Longside, 8 July 1895: wishes to be considered for post of Assistant Teacher and gives some background information about her teaching experience • A Green, 25 Beechgrove Terrace, Aberdeen, 4 July 1895: regarding a complaint made about the treatment of a Pupil Teacher, Miss Marjory R Smith, by Mrs Stark at Skene Square School • John P Gill, 10 Jamaica Street, Aberdeen, 23 September 1895: he encloses his complaint about payment for teaching Shorthand at Evening Classes • John Gordon, Girls’ High School, 10 September 1895: advises that Miss Alice Bain, pupil, has finished the Art Class Teacher’s Certificate and lists the examination she has passed • A Green, Skene Square Public School, 28 August 1895: lists the Fourth year Pupil Teachers who wish to secure places at Training College: Miss Annie Aberdein, Miss Mary Guthrie and Miss Annabella Fraser • John Gordon, High School, 19 August 1895: asks if Miss Maggie Ledingham, pupil, would now be admitted to the National Art Training School as a free student and lists her qualifications including having studied at Gray’s School of Art • Mary Henderson, 11 Great Northern Rd, Aberdeen, 1st October 1895: wishes to apply for a vacancy UNDER THE School Board and details her teaching experience and qualifications • Jeannie Cook, Fuchsia Bank, Cults, 5 October 1895: wishes to apply for the position of sewing mistress and mentions her current work for the County Council [See p. 331 Board Meeting 27th June 1895, item (e)] • William Hendry, 28 Braemar Place, Aberdeen, 28 September 1895: defends his absences from teaching in the Evening School due to ill-health • Thos C. Hynd, King Street Public School, 26 June 1895: he highlights a section of a Report on Scripture Knowledge Examination, May 1895 which he considers to be unnecessary and unfair • Margaret J Jackson, Willowbank, Aboyne, July 1895: wishes employment as a Certificated Female Assistant and details her teaching experience and qualifications [See p.393 Board Meeting 19th September 1895, item 352.] • J R Jones, 11 Albury Road, Aberdeen, 19 August 1895: requests sanction of prizes for pupils in the Navigation Classes for 1894-1895 viz. Archibald Bissett Smith, George Knowles, William Nightingale and Alexander Mair and mentions the achievements of various former pupils, including Charles I Chinn, Robert C D M Heddle, Daniel Logie, John McCallum, Thos R Watson, W D Shepherd E W Danson, Geo: S R Bain • H F Menzies, Blairmount House, Mount St, 3 September 1895: regarding the subjects to be taught at evening class in the Grammar School • H F Menzies, Blairmount House, Mount St, 14 September 1895: regarding the teaching of Mathematics and Chemistry Evening classes at the Grammar school and includes a timetable • John A McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School, 30 September 1895: he lists children attending the school from the north side of the Don and the Standards they are in • J C McGregor, Wardend, Durris, 14 August 1895: wishes to secure a position as a Junior Assistant and details his teaching experience and qualifications[See p.393 Board Meeting 19th September 1895, item 352.] • Helen Milne, Rubislaw Den South, Aberdeen, 8 August 1895: wants to secure a position as a Junior Assistant Teacher and gives her experience [See p.393 Board Meeting 19th September 1895, item 352.] • Annabella McKenzie, The Manse, Cowle?, 26 August 1895: advising that she will renew her loan to the Aberdeen School Board • J McL., Ashley Road Public School, 5 September 1895: lists the topics covered in Elementary Science (Art.19.A.5) within Standards I – VI • J McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 11 September 1895: asks if ‘Elementary Alternative Physics’ could be substituted for Botany and Physiology to Standard VI in the scheme Article 19.A.5 [See above entry 5 September 1895] • John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 12 September 1895: states that Cookery classes are to be taught daily for 2 hours over the next 5 weeks • John McLachlan, [Ashley Road Public School], 9 September 1895: advises that additional support is required for Miss Reid who teaches sewing due to the size of the class and he suggests employing Miss Salmond • Thomas Hector, School Board to John McBain, High School for Girls, 5 October 1895: asking what the policy is regarding fees for pupils of one family taking music in the School; reply written on reverse. • John McKenzie, Skene Street School, 19 June 1895: advising that he has transferred Pupil Teachers between Skene Street School and Holburn Street School viz:- Miss Kate Gillespie, Mr John Mennie, Miss Jeanie Gill and Miss Jeannie Cruickshank • D Bennett Lothian, King Street Evening School, 5 September 1895: regarding the Returns for the Bookkeeping Class; some of the information had been published in the Evening Gazette • Alfred MacLeod, 26 Salisbury Terrace, Aberdeen, 3 July 1895: stating that he disagrees with the Rector’s opinion regarding the teaching of Elocution at the Grammar School but will abide by the Board’s decision • C McLeod, I Elmfield Ave, Aberdeen, 4 July 1895: regarding a Mortgage Loan in their favour • John McLachlan, Ballater, 5 August 1895: advising that he was unaware that Mr Broome has applied for another situation and he considers that Mr Broome has acted very badly • Jeannie P Nichol, Deemount Road, Aberdeen, 17 September 1895: advising that she has passed the Scholarship Examination for the T.C. Training College Aberdeen and has obtained a bursary • Heneage G Newsam, 42 Ashley Road, Aberdeen, 7 September 1895: asking if a teacher of music is required as he teaches music to private pupils and would be free to teach in the Board’s schools in the mornings; Teacher of Music, Organist and Choirmaster at Carden Place U.P[?] Church • Samuel Cope[?], Grammar School, 30 September 1895: he raises an issue over his remuneration following his appointment in charge of Drawing in Evening classes at the Grammar School for session 1895-1896 • John Peters, Central Public School, 4 September 1895: advising the results achieved in Mathematics by Mary Paterson, Bessie Cruickshank, Margareet Robertson and Alexina McL. King • Helen M Robertson, 23 Charlotte Street, Aberdeen, 19 August 1895: asks the Board for an extended leave due to ill-health and details her teaching experience of some 30 years • Helen M Robertson, 23 Charlotte Street, Aberdeen, 26 September 1895: following a long spell of sick leave from teaching at the Middle School, she would like to retire and asks for a retiring allowance and the Board’s support in applying for a Government pension [See previous entry, 19 August 1895] • Helen M Robertson, 23 Charlotte Street, Aberdeen, 26 September 1895: thanks Mr Hector for his cheering note and advises that she will place herself in the hands of the Board if an arrangement such as Mr Hector has indicated may be effected [See previous entries, 19 August 1895 & 26 September 1895] • William Rattray, Marywell Street Public School, 24 June 895: he has secured a place at the Normal College and mentions that he also attends University Classes, the fees being paid by the Training College authorities • JAS Rose, Causewayend Public School, 4 September 1895: regarding a complaint about James Dargie having been refused admission to the school, Rose explains his actions and states that these have been misrepresented; two notes [by Board members?] commenting on the situation written across the top of the letter and a pencil note scrawled at the end of the letter • John Ritchie, Secretary, Assistant Teachers’ Association (Aberdeen District), 31 August 1895: printed letter about a Special Meeting at which it was agreed to present a Petition to ask the Board to reconsider the emoluments of Teachers in the Evening Continuation Schools • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 22 July 1895: long letter regarding the proposed Gymnasium and Swimming Bath; comments on the wider issues of physical exercises and facilities available in the Town • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 25 June 1895: regarding the vacancy for a Modern Language Mastership and recommends a W D Bruce (Cork) • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 8 July 1895: regarding problems with the Cork candidate; objects to the suggestion that the Grammar School “playgreen” should be open during the holidays [See previous letter dated 25 June 1895] • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 29 July 1895: regarding the vacant situation of Modern Language Mastership; also mentions the sudden death of Professor Scorgie • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 29 July 1895: regarding the vacant Modern Language Mastership [See above letter of same date] • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 24 September 1895: memo about prizes for swimming and gymnastics • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 10 September 1895: advises that the Johnston Medal for Latin, Session 1894-5, is being awarded to John McBain and notes the Latin inscription to go on the medal • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 20 September, 1895: memo regarding the Johnston Medal • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 24 September 1895: regarding abatement of fees for sons of Teachers • J S Skea, St Paul Street School, 3 September 1895: calling attention to the Code of 1895 which requires that the instruction in class subjects must be according to a definite scheme approved by the Department with comments added about the teaching of English and Geography • P Smart, Torry Public School, 29 June 1895: about re-arrangement of the teaching of classes following the implementation of a new Code and staffing requirements • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 2 October 1895: lengthy memo regarding School Fees and Salaries, including a comparison with Robert Gordon’s College and Glasgow High School • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 2 October 1895: regarding school fees for bursary candidates following an application received for a reduction in fees; he suggests that this is an issue for the High Schools’ Committee • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 19 August,1895: asks to see a copy of Dr Stewart’s report on the school; thanks the Board for the chest provided for cricket material; comments on the percentages in Leaving Certificate results which he argues are misleading • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 1 Oct 1895: protesting against a new regulation that affects the length of lessons for Physics classes and its impact on time-tabling • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 18 August 1895: regarding the arrangements for teaching German and suitable candidates viz. Mr Gabbitas and Mr Ward • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 30 August 1895: raises several issues namely, Games Fund, Soup Tickets, the size of some classes, Mis Davidson’s fees for Music, School Prayers • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 5 September 1895: raises several issues: School pavilion window, Mr Ward’s salary, number of hours teaching and subjects to be taught, Modern School, Morland Simpson’s own salary, Middle School class sizes, the appointment of an instructor in the Science and Art School [See previous entry] • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 9 September 1895: acknowledging receipt of lunch tickets, asks to see Dr Stewart’s report on the school, advises the Mr Duthie will not be able to continue to teach Latin • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 7 September 1895: regarding the school fees for 2 pupils – Abraham and Gershon • J S Skea, 269 G. W. Road, Aberdeen, 14 September 1895: mentions Bell, the “Grammar Fairies”, refers to Cissy and the uncertainty surrounding her appointment to Broomhill School • J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School,12 September: asking if it is likely that Bell [her niece?] will get a situation teaching in one of the Board’s schools [See above letter] • Clerk and Treasurer, Aberdeen School Board, 3 October 1895: regarding the fees for a pupil Edmund McBain; addendum overleaf • J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 26 August 1895: concerned that Cookery lessons must proceed and details the type and number of cookery lessons • J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 2 September 1895: states she is one short on her staff of pupil teachers and is desirous of having Barbara Thompson • J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 9 September 1895: regarding Barbara Thompson and explaining how her ill-health may have impacted on her exam results [see previous letter, 2 September 1895] • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 30 September 1895: regarding swimming as a sport and attendance at the school’s swimming competitions; also commentary on the Town Council’s approach to parks and playgrounds [see earlier letter 22 July 1895] • J S Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 26 June 1895: regarding the impossibly high standard required by the Science & Art Department in Model & Freehand Drawing so she has decided the subject will not be taught to pupil teachers next year • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 24 September 1895:asks if the F.P. Club can hold a subscription dance in the Hall to raise funds for the football club • H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 30 September 1895: regarding the gift of a bust of the late Rev. W Legge to the school • Alexander S Third, 2 Powis Terrace, Aberdeen, 20 September 1895: wishes to apply for a teaching position in an Evening School and details his qualifications • Amy Wallace, Clifton Road, Aberdeen, 27 June 1895: advises that she is in her 62nd year, has taught in Woodside and the neighbourhood for the last 40 years and has no desire to stop teaching but wishes the Board to support a claim on the Department [of Education?] for a small Government pension granted to teachers • John Watson, Porthill Public School, 5 September 1895: lists the results of Society of Arts for specific pupils • R C[?] Watson, Broomhill School, 16 September 1895: regarding the possible transfer of Miss Chalmers and Miss Robson [See letters J S Skea, 12 & 14 September 1895 regarding teaching positions for Cissy and Bell] • R Watson, 35 Belvidere Street, Aberdeen, 24 June 1895: suggests the appointment of a Certificated Assistant to the Infants Department of Broomhill School in time for the opening as it would be too much for Miss Souter with only the help of pupil teachers • Mary Young, Aberdeen Grammar School, 16 September 1895: requests apparatus for the school including dumb bells and bar bells and comments that the gallery is too crowded