Description | 12/8/1896-26/10/1896
- Various Schools, 27th August – 5th September 1896: 21 letters in response to the Board’s letter of 26th August, Head Teachers advise which of their teachers would be interested in attending Special Evening Classes, and in which subjects, if the Board decides to hold such classes - Various schools, 13th August – 21st September 1896: 6 letters advising which Pupil Teachers are to attend the Queen’s Scholarship Exam in December with requests for the required schedules and papers - J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 2nd & 5th October 1896: regarding the number of pupils taking pianoforte, the fees generated and the employment of a second teacher; Board’s initial response is written on the reverse of the first letter [See p.713 Board Meeting 15th October 1896, item (l), p. 744 Board Meeting 19th November 1896, item (d)] - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 31st August 1896: proposes the addition of new subjects to the Programme of Work for the Evening School, namely Reporting Shorthand, English and Theory of Music - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 11th September 1896: suggests alterations to the timetable for the Evening Classes - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 25th September 1896: thanks the Board for appointing him to be Headmaster of the Evening School to be opened at Ferryhill - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School, 6th & 9th October 1896: regarding the number of pupils taking Dressmaking, English, Arithmetic, Shorthand and Millinery and staffing requirements - James E Anderson, 3rd & 24th October 1896: regarding the number of pupils who took Machine Construction [and Drawing] Class in Session 1895-96 and rate per student [See pp. 729-730 Board Meeting 15thOctober 1896, item 621] - J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 27th August 1896: submits statistics relating to the number of pupils who took French and German classes and sat the exams with explanatory notes, and a table listing teachers, the Standard taught, together with numbers on the Roll [See p.675 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896, item (j), p. 698 item (3), p.712 Board Meeting 15th October 1896, item (b)] - James Allan, Rosemount Public School, 13th October 1896: regarding the Scripture Knowledge exam and its timing - J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 9th October 1896: asking for a list of names of the pupils who are entitled to prizes and certificates for proficiency in Scripture Knowledge [See pp.699-700 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896, items 594 and 595] - James Allan, Rosemount Public School, 2nd October 1896: asks for cards that he may issue to pupils who have passed 5th Standard so they may be admitted to Evening School at half the usual fee - James M Anderson, Woodside, Aberdeen, 17th September 1896: asks to be appointed as Teacher of Shorthand in the Evening School as per last Session - Duncan Clarke, Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 10th & 16th September 1896: raises the question of advertising Evening Classes, has constructed a Bill, comments on the sites for advertising and suggests giving each child a Hand-bill - Aberdeen School Board Circular dated 17th September 1896: advising the Head Teachers that the Board wishes its Evening School Announcements to be distributed to as many families of children attending public school as possible and asking how many hand bills to supply to their school - Various Schools,17th – 22nd September 1896: 22 letters in response to foregoing circular, state how many Evening School hand bills would be sufficient for distribution in his school - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School, 21st September 1896: recommends Mr John Peters (Central School) for teaching Commercial Geography in place of Mr Gill - J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 14th August 1896: requests the Scripture Syllabus for the session which has started and reminds the Board that the first exam is due to be held in early October - J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 17th August 1896: states that Miss Annand is just beginning to learn German and therefore cannot teach it [See p.674 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896 item (b) and pp. 675-676 item (j)] - J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School, 16th October 1896: advises that their American Organ is tuneless and generally dilapidated and asks for it to be repaired - Walter R Bain, King Street, Aberdeen, 7th & 12th October 1896: applies for an Assistant Mastership vacancy in an Evening Continuation School and outlines his professional career; accepts the Assistant Mastership in Rosemount Evening Continuation School - Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School, 29th September 1896: asks if the grants for 1897 are to be paid on Examination results or by the new method of average attendance - Madeleine Bisset, 37 Desswood Place, Aberdeen, 20th & 25th September1896: letter asking the Board for employment in an Evening School as had taught in Rosemount Evening School previously; second letter thanking the Board for giving her Evening teaching - Wm A.S., Commerce Evening School: ‘Time Table for Commerce Evening School’ with explanatory notes - J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School, 17th August 1896: bemoaning the fact that they are still waiting for a substitute for Miss Stewart in the Infants’ Department [See p.674 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, item (2c)] - J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School, 24th August 1896: asking for additional staff to help with the Infants’ Department until the Inspection is over and explains why help is required [See above letter 17th August 1896 and p.674 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, item (2c)] - Margaret Bain, St Paul Street Public School, 17th August 1896: regarding the alleged punishment of a child who did not have the necessary books for her standard; Note accompanying letters missing - Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School, 17th August 1896: explains why two new maps have been ordered – New Zealand and British North America - John F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 15th October 1896: asking for a ‘strong’ substitute for Miss Salmond, P.T., as her doctor has advised her to give up teaching [See p.745, Board Meeting 19th November 1896, item (i)] - John F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 5th September 1896: asking for 2 pianos or 1 piano and an harmonium for Gymnastics and suggests that, in the circumstances, as they are located so close to Crown St Gymnasium, arrangements are made for classes to go there for Drill - J Crabbe, Irvine Place, 5th September 1896: advising that their daughter [Alice M Crabbe] intends putting in an application for evening work as Teacher of Cookery and Sewing and appeals to Thomas Hector to assist [See the following letters from Alic Mary Crabbe, 12th September and 7th October 1896] - Alice Mary Crabbe, Irvine Place, 12th September and 7th October 1896: asks for work as Teacher of Cookery or Sewing, states her experience to date; second letter thanking the Board for giving her work in Woodside Evening School - Duncan Clarke, Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 25th and 28th September 1896: regarding information about the rise and progress of the existing style of Evening School for Rev Gordon J Murray, and that Murray will be requesting information on Students’ deposits at the Savings Bank - John F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 25th September 1896: regarding 3 PTs who have gained admission to Training College at last Exam, and, in particular, Miss Booth who elected to remain at the school - John Carmichael, 28th August and 28th September 1896: letter requesting special Registers for Manual Instruction purposes to be provided for Ashley Road, Broomhill and Grammar schools and who is responsible for the registration; second letter advises that the wrong sort of register has been sent to workshop Grammar School and explains that Registers for Manual Instruction for Organised Science Schools are required - John F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 1st October 1896: recommends the permanent appointment of Miss Alice Craig and comments on her work [See p. 674 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896, item (2) (a)] - David Christie, Holburn Street, Aberdeen, 3rd September 1896: wishes to apply for the second Mastership at Walker Road Public School and details his work history and includes testimonials [See p.679 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, item (9), p. 712 Board Meeting, 15th October 1896, item (2) (a) - C S Copland, Westfield Public School, 29th September 1896: encloses a list of Pupils who may be expected to leave school after the Inspection in November and who will be required at home during the day; Note enclosure missing - Duncan Clarke, Skene Square School, 1st October 1896: regarding the lack of advertising for an evening meeting in the Grammar School and the Prospectus for the Winter session - Duncan Clarke, Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 21st September 1896: regarding the appointment of Miss Jeannie Watt to the charge of Dressmaking at Woodside, the salary of Miss Jessie Fraser (Head Milliner, Saint & Co), and a general remark about remuneration for female teachers preparing for the City & Guilds of London Exams - D B Lothian, King Street Evening School, 16 September 1896: recommends Miss Chapman of Messrs Pratt & Keith for the Millinery class; with enclosed letter from Miss E M Urquhart - Winifred A Chapman, Leadside Road, Aberdeen, 23rd September 1896: advises that she has a Miss Emslie, thoroughly experienced in Millinery, who has had charge of their workroom for 3 years [See above letter D B Lothian, 16th September 1896] - J Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 21st September 1896: asks if he can look at the Board’s copy of the new Science and Art Directory - Duncan Clarke, Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 2nd October 1896: regarding recognition of the work of Miss Watt in preparing students for Dressmaking examinations - James Campbell, Elmfield Avenue, 29th August 1896: regarding the appointment of Miss Reith instead of Miss Calder together with an explanation [See p. 674 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896, item (2b)] - Helen Clarke, St Swithin Street, Aberdeen, 22nd August 1896: a teacher in Ashley Road School since 1889, she asks if Prof. Robertson can assist in bettering her position and outlines her teaching experience and remuneration to date - James H Duthie, Woodside, 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th October 1896: states that he has not received a second instalment of an increase of salary, refers to the H M Inspector’s report [Ferryhill] and outlines his workload teaching Standard V and Standard IV and asks the Board to take into account the points he has made; wishes to withdraw his statement of 2nd inst. [3rd October] and instead tenders his resignation as he will be leaving the country as soon as possible [See pp. 707-708 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896 H M Inspector’s Report on Ferryhill Public School and p.712 Board Meeting, 15th October 1896, item (2a) & p. 715 item (10); p.744 Board Meeting 19th - November 1896, item (h)] - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 19th October 1896: advises that Miss Johan Donald, sub-assistant, has passed the acting teacher’s Exam for Certificate 2nd year’s papers - G F Duthie, Woodside Pubic School, 22nd October 1896: apologises for mistake made in ordering Platinized asbestos, excess of which may be used in Science classes - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 25th September, 30th September & 5th October 1896: 3 letters complaining that the wrong sort of ‘Ruler’ has been supplied and also requesting a specific type of bookslip for use by the children, explanations and descriptions given - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 23rd September 1896: asks for a copy of the new regulations for the admission of Pupil Teachers - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 22nd September 1896: sends a list of scholars who have left school and advises that he will see those who are likely to leave before the end of the year - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 19th August 1896: regarding ‘the lad Ingram’, an apprenticeship and which exams he is to sit due to his place in the school and his age - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 13th August 1896: refers to applicants for the benefits of the McKnight Trust and raises an issue regarding the discount for books supplied to the pupils - George Fenton, 26 Loanhead Terrace, Aberdeen, 5th October 1896: advises that he has been deputed by the Committee of the Assistant Teacher’s Association to ask permission to use the Grammar School Hall for a Conversazione - Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 12th August & 1st October 1896: 2 letters regarding staffing arrangements for the ‘Fourth Boys’ and ‘Fifth Girls’ - Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public school, 26th August 1896: advises that the school will not meet in the afternoon due to the ‘Timmer Market’ - Alexander Forbes, Skene Square Public School, 31st August & 15th September 1896: requests cover for Miss Paterson’s section of Standard I as she is off ill and asks if Miss Wilson, Torry, would be available [See p. 674 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896, item (2c)] - R Ferrie, Royal Bank of Scotland, Aberdeen, 9th & 25th September 1896: 2 letters regarding his appointment as a teacher of Book-keeping in King Street Evening School - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 31st July 1896: School Board pro forma for payment of teachers’ salaries with acknowledgement of receipt of cheques signed by G F Duthie - William Gauld, Summerfield Terrace, Aberdeen, 14th October 1896: advises that Ebenezer Gibb, student in the Machine Construction Class, wishes to get a remission of part of the fee for the Applied Mechanics & Steam Class - William Gauld, 16 Summerfield Terrace, Aberdeen, 12th & 14th September 1896: regarding teaching the Machine Construction Class in Evening School, he declines the appointment due to the intervention of Mr Sproul, who is keen to secure the position for himself [See p. 698 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, item (5) & p. 735 Board Meeting 15th October 1896, item 634] - William Gauld, Summerfield Terrace, Aberdeen, 18th September 1896: asks the Board to arrange for the key to the cupboard containing the Machine Construction sketches to be provided to the Janitor at the Central School - William Gauld, 16 Summerfield Terrace, Aberdeen, 19th September 1896: confirms the outline of class subjects and Text books for the coming session and recommends the appointment of Mr John W Kidd as Assistant teacher. - William Gauld, Summerfield Terrace, Aberdeen, 29th September 1896: asks who is to lithograph the sketches for use in the Machine Construction class - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 7th October 1896: asks that the Electrical Apparatus requisitioned in June be forwarded as promised as the class programme for Standard V is blocked - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 8th September 1896: requires an assistant or ex-Pupil Teacher as replacement for Miss Fraser, to help teach Infants in the new Infants’ room [See p. 713 Board Meeting, 15th October 1896 item (i)] - A. Green, Skene Square Public School, 14th August 1896: requests an assistant for Sewing classes and explains the reasons for this [See pp.674-5 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, item 2c] - Charlotte Gill, 31 Beechgrove Terrace, Aberdeen, 1st September 1896: requests a transfer after the November inspection to a school nearer to her home [See p. 676Board Meeting 17th September 1896 item (l)] - John Gordon, Central School, 3rd September 1896: regarding a pupil William Hutton Henderson whose examination paper for Building Construction was returned under the wrong name - John Gordon, Girls’ High School, 18th August 1896: proposes the introduction of an Art Class for Ladies, suggests how it may be advertised, and asks the Board to consider if they want him to ‘take it in hand’ - William Hendry, Calsayseat Road, Aberdeen, 3rd October 1896: advises that Mr Taylor wishes to withdraw from Evening School work and he recommends the appointment of Mr Thomas B Smith - Gustav Hein, 2 Rubislaw Place, Aberdeen, 3rd September 1896: advises that he is willing to undertake the instruction of German Evening Classes and argues for an increase of salary [See p. 697 Board Meeting 17th September 1896 item (2)] - Thos. C Hynd, King Street Public School, 11th September 1896: advises that he will be absent as he wishes to attend the Statutory & General Meeting of the Trustees of the School Masters’ Widows Fund - William Hendry, Causewayend Public School, 3rd September 1896: regarding the Time Table and the different classes taken by advanced pupils and those in the lower classes - David B Lothian, Beechgrove Avenue, Aberdeen, 17th October 1896: recommends that Miss David be appointed assistant teacher in Dressmaking; advises that Mr King has started work in the Continuation Dept.; raises the issue of teaching Musical Drill; asks that Mr Hynd be advised that Cookery will be taught in the Gymnasium - D B Lothian, King Street Evening School, 21st October 1896: advises he has decided to dismiss the school for one evening due to the Nomination of Member of Town Council for St Andrew’s Ward taking place in the lower floor of the school - Margaret Ledingham, Kincardine O’Neil, 18th August 1896: wishes to be considered for the position of Assistant teacher in Art at the Girls’ High School and details her experience [See p. 681 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, item (3)] - David B Lothian, King Street Evening School, 6th October, 1896: requests the appointment of an additional assistant for Continuation Classes due to the number of students enrolled - W Litster, Springbank Terrace, Aberdeen, 23rd September 1896: regarding advertising the ‘ Theory of Music’ and ‘Harmony’ music classes - D Bennett Lothian, Beechgrove Avenue, Aberdeen 29th August 1896: regarding the teaching of Hygiene to teachers and offering it as a subject at the Central School - D Bennett Lothian, Beechgrove Avenue, Aberdeen, 29th August 1896: regarding timetables for King Street Evening School, he asks what the arrangements are for Typewriting - David B Lothian, Beechgrove Avenue, Aberdeen, 10th September 1896: regarding the corrected proofs of classes for King Street Evening School, he advises which classes require teachers and offers suggestions - W L Marr, Girls’ High School, 11th & 22nd September 1896: asks if the Evening classes there are restricted to girls as young men have enquired about joining; mentions the impact of having mixed classes, especially in Advanced Mathematics - Chas McLeod,Grammar School, Aberdeen, 7th November 1896: regarding material required for Practical Science work and experiments and the costs he incurred, including for the Arnott Lectures he delivered in Gordon’s College; enclosure - John McBain, High School for Girls, 1st October 1896: asks if the Board will remind the Evening School not to damage the furniture - John McKenzie, Holburn Street Public School, 26th October 1896: asks for a Junior Male be appointed instead of a Female Assistant and explains his reasons for the request - John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 8th October 1896: advises that a plaster cast has been sent in error in place of Vase No 2 - John McBain, High School for Girls, 25th September 1896: asks for intimation to be made that the school deserves payment on Results of Examination according to the Rules of S & A [Science & Art?] Directory 1895 - Wm Reith McGregor, Jackson Terrace, Aberdeen, 16th & 26th September 1896: applies for position of Assistant Master in a Continuation Class School and outlines his experience; accepts a position at Rosemount Evening School - John Peter, Porthill Public School, 1st September 1896: requests a female Pupil Teacher for the ‘Lowest Section’ of the Infant Department with explanation - Wm Robertson, Rubislaw Public School, 25th August 1896: asks if Arthur Davidson, who has secured a free place at the Grammar School, should present himself there now - Thos. C Hynd, King Street Public School, 11th September 1896: confirms that they have taken possession of their new rooms and have transferred pupils and supplies from the Educational Trust Buildings - Wm Robertson, Rubislaw Public School, 18th August 1896: due to the large number of pupils in the Infant Room, some of whom are attending for the first time, he requests the temporary appointment of an assistant - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 26th August 1896: requests a meeting for himself and Mrs Skea with a member of the School Board to discuss the formation of a class for teachers in Cardboard Modelling - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 25th September 1896: asks if the fees for John Reid can be waived as he is very hard up - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 4th September 1896: refers to a letter he had written to the Board dated 22nd July 1895 regarding their proposed plans for the building of new school about which there has been a lack of clarity and some misunderstanding on how it would impact the Grammar School - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 1st September 1896: regarding the increased hours worked by Mr Pope between the Grammar, Broomhill and Ashley Road Schools to the extent that it is almost impossible to time table his classes - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 1st September 1896: raises two issues: draughts in Miss Young’s class room which is the subject of complaint by parents and has attracted a ’bad name’; asks if charging parents for Kindergarten material is desirable and outlines his reasons for questioning their policy - Wm Stewart, Woodside Evening School, 26th October 1896: asks for Dressmaking and Millinery classes to be registered for the City & Guilds of London Institute and gives details of teachers and number of pupils - P Smart, Torry Public School, 14th October 1896: asks that his requisition for McDougall & Co’s new series of Drawing Cards called the Index series be granted as they contain some figures none of their other cards have - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 6th October 1896: regarding the printing of a Circular to Parents about the School Library which he hopes will assist in securing Mr Kirby’s second gift - Cecilia D Smith, 73 Stanley Street, Aberdeen, 9th October 1896: advises that it is unlikely there will be sufficient pupils enrolled to justify holding a Domestic Economy class on 2 evenings of the week and asks if her name can be kept in mind for other vacancies in any of the Continuation schools - I L Skea, St Paul St Public School, 9th October 1896: expresses her displeasure that Mr McMillan has not carried out her instructions regarding the gymnasium and asks that the Board arranges for this to be addressed straightaway [pencil sketch of gymnasium layout in middle of letter] - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 4th September 1896: submits a requisition for three diagrams to be mounted at the Board’s expense instead of paying out of her own pocket for this to be done - John Peer, Porthill Public School, 14th October 1896: asks for a certificate that the girls are taught Cookery to be sent to Mr James Grigor, Inspector of Drawing, who is staying at Benson’s Hotel, Union Street. [See CA/25/2/11/48 re. Various school 4 letters, 14th April – 18th May 1896 connection between the teaching of Cookery and Drawing Grants] - John A McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School, 8th October 1896: advises that he has received the Donaldson Trustees’ syllabus - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 29th September 1896: advises that the Secondary Teachers Association propose using the Grammar School Hall for a concert and makes the point that he should be kept advised of other arrangements by the Board for use of the Hall - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 4th September 1896: reminds the Board that a refund is due to Mr Philip for his outlay on specimens (fruit, flowers, vegetables) for Middle School Science and one to himself for Maps - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 3rd, 4th and 9th September 1896: 3 letters about a plebiscite with regard to changes in school hours; 2nd letter refers to a circular that they propose to send home with each pupil; 3rd letter details results of the plebiscite; [See p. 679 Board Meeting, 17th September 1896, item (8)] - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 10th September 1896: refers to his report on the Grammar School results in the Leaving Certificate Examination; raises the issue of Free Scholars’ Books and supplying the Scholars with satchels of a particular design [See p. 716 Board Meeting 15th October 1896, item (5) and pp. 737-740 ‘Aberdeen Grammar School Leaving Certificate Results, 1896’] - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 16th September 1896: advises that she, Miss Bain and Miss Keith are to attend the Ed. Institute meeting in Edinburgh and are leaving early so they will have time to see the exhibition of School apparatus - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 11th September 1896: refers to a discussion with an Inspector regarding the difficulty in getting an Examiner for the Competition for Pupil Teacherships - Torry Public School & York Street Public School, 21st & 25th August 1896: 2 letters requesting an additional assistant following an influx of Infants and the introduction of Pupil Teacher Central System [See p. 674 Board Meeting 17th September 1896, items (b) & (c)] - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 21st & 24th August 1896: 2 letters regarding a Free Scholar, Wm Mackintosh, his educational record at the school, his hopes for future employment as well as a request for a placement in a Bank - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 12th August 1896: raises the issue of which caretaker is responsible for replacing school furniture which has been moved to accommodate the Sunday School and asks for a resolve; also asks for Mrs Moir, the Board’s Caretaker, to be on duty at Porthill School as much as possible during school hours - R Watson, Broomhill Public School, 21st September 1896: advises that he does not wish Miss Bowie, teacher, to be transferred to the school and explains his reasons - R Watson, Broomhill Public School, 30th September 1896: suggests that no examination be held in Bible studies - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 27th August, 2nd & 18th September 1896: regarding the Organised Science School, the division of classes with numbers of pupils and staffing issues with particular reference to Mr James Davidson - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 26th October 1896: requests a replacement for Miss Annabella Sutherland who played for musical drill - Various individuals, July – October 1896; 11 letters regarding appointments in the Board’s Evening Schools, qualifications and remuneration |