Description | 19/12/1896 - 10/3/1897 - Various Schools,16th & 17th February 1897: 27 letters in reply to a Circular letter regarding school attendance figures, including perfect attendance - Aberdeen High School for Girls, 19th January 1897: asks for intervention regarding under which school pupils are to register for exams in Drawing as some of their pupils have been attending Drawing classes at Gray’s School of Art; reaction of School Board written on one page - James Allan, Rosemount Public School, 2 February 1897: regarding the loss of grant from Science & Art Department for pupils due to a mix up over examinations with Gray’s School of Art - James Allan, Rosemount Public School, 9th March 1897: advises that they are unable to take a boy as a beginner as PTs are in the Infant Department - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School, 13 January 1897: asks permission for the pupils to hold a social meeting in the Gymnasium and adjoining halls - J D Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 5 March 1897: providing information about Leaving Certificates in response to a Circular from the Scotch Education Board - J D Andrson, Ferryhill Public School, 14th January 1897: asking assistance from the School Board due to financial straits after surplus funds used to buy statuary for the school walls - James Allan, Rosemount Public School, 27 January 1897: regarding poor attendance due to inclement weather - James Allan, Rosemount Public School, 26 January 1897: asks for a Book of cheques as he has previously supplied cheques at his own expense - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School, 13 January 1897: regarding being compliant with the new Clause in Art. 10(c) and its impact on subjects - J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School, 10th March 1897: advising that he is disinclined to take on any Candidate pupil teachers this year and explains his reasons - Jas C Barnett, Middle Public School, 3rd March 1897: states that Ferryhill are keen to get hold of the lathe, which is to be removed to the Grammar School - Middle Public School, 19th January 1897: supplies statistics regarding Infants average attendance and grants in connection with a new Scheme - John C Anderson, Ferryhill Evening School, 8 March 1897: submits a requisition for prizes required - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 5th January 1897 [month crossed out and ‘Feb’ inserted in red ink]: asks about staffing arrangements for Walker Road Public School and if he can submit requisition orders for supplies [See below letters 13th Feb – 1st March 1897; 2 letters dated 28th Jan 1897; p. 792 Board Meeting 21st January 1897 item (p) & p. 796 item 692; p. 838 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, items (a), (b), (e), (f)] - Jas Campbell, (30 Elmfield Avenue, Aberdeen) Frederick Street Public School, 13th February – 1st March 1897: 6 letters & 1 enclosure regarding his appointment as Headmaster at the new Walker Road School and staffing, particularly the transfer of Miss Hay and Miss Beattie and his objection to Miss Robertson’s appointment; enclosure of a letter from Miss Robertson expressing surprise and hurt at her treatment [See p. 792 Board Meeting 21st January 1897 item (p) & p. 796 item 692; p. 838 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, items (a), (b), (e), (f); see bundle CA-25-2-11-52 Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 26th February 1897] - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 28th January 1897: seeks permission for delaying the making up and closing of accounts until the end of February [See above letters 13th Feb – 1st March 1897; following letter dated 28th Jan 1897; p. 792 Board Meeting 21st January 1897 item (p) & p. 796 item 692; p. 838 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, items (a), (b), (e), (f)] - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 28th January 1897: Asks to be taken to see Walker Road Public School [See above letters 5th Jan, 13th Feb – 1st March 1897; above letter dated 28th Jan 1897; p. 792 Board Meeting 21st January 1897 item (p); p. 838 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, items (a), (b), (e), (f)] - L Christie, 19 Hamilton Place, Aberdeen, 16th February 1897: asks for approval to hold a vocal recital in the High School and to include other music masters playing instrumental items to give variety - Mary Cruickshank, 33 Lilybank Place, Aberdeen, 12th February 1897: expresses thanks for her name being placed on the short leet for the Infants Mistress-ship of Clement School and stipulates that she does not wish to move to a smaller Department - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street School, 28th & 29th January 1897: advises that over 300 pupils are absent - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 15th 21st, 28th & 29th January 1897: 4 letters regarding pupils who wish to stay on for Standard VI, parents concerns and encloses a list of pupils’ names with the schools they wish to attend - J Carmichael, 61 Schoolhill, Aberdeen, 25th January & 2nd February 1897: complains about Mr Anderson, china merchant, and the fulfilment of orders for tumblers and a water carafe - Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Evening School, 27th January 1897: requests information relating to London Chamber of Commerce Examinations - Duncan Clarke, 23 Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 6th February 1897: raises several issues, including permission for the Cookery, Advanced Dressmaking and Members of the Literary Society to hold ‘At Homes’ and an Exhibition of work to be held at the end of Session - Duncan Clarke, 23 Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 22nd December 1896: regarding the grants for Vocal Music and the different treatment of the subject by the English and Scotch codes - Skene Square Evening School, undated: a list of prizes and associated costs with a request for an increased grant - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 25th January 1897: remarks on the social life of Miss Philip and its impact on her schoolwork - Allan Cameron, Skene Street Public School, 14th January 1897: asks to be considered for the position of Second Master at Walker Road School and details his experience [See p. 792 Board Meeting 21st January 1897 item (p)] - Jas Campbell, Walker Road Public School, 9th March 1897: submits a breakdown of which school pupils have come from - Jas Campbell, Walker Road Public School, 10th March 1897: letter with enclosure regarding the number of pupils in attendance, fixing the date of Inspection and staffing issues; enclosure headed ‘Attendance’ - Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Evening School, 18th December 1896: reminder about the requirement for additional typewriters [2 hand written notes across letter indicating action taken] - J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School, 6th January 1897: complains about a supplier and the non-receipt of an order for slate pencils - J Beaumont, Commerce Street Public School, 13th January 1897: asks if Miss Lyon could take cookery classes - John Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 18th January 1897: asks for Certificates for specific teachers who have taught Drawing - Jas Campbell, Frederick Street Public School, 15th January 1897: regarding attendance and new books - J Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 26th November 1896: advises that he has sent a seasoning box and fish kettle for repair - Wm A P Cruden, Central School, 25th February 1897: asks if he can be advanced to a higher grade so as not to lose out on promotion [See p. 792 Board Meeting 21st January 1897, item (p) &p. 838 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, item (c)] - Duncan Clarke, 23 Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 15th February1897: regarding the names and number of candidates taking the Society of Arts Exams, the entrance fees, and queries how Millinery is to be treated - Duncan Clarke, Skene Square Evening School, 4th March 1897: asks for guidance on how to complete forms with regard to Millinery [See above letter dated 15th February 1897] - John F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 10th February 1897: requests a copy of the Science and Art Dept ‘Illustrated Drawing Syllabus (1895)’ - Duncan Clarke, 23 Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 8th March 1897: invitation to Skene Square Evening School exhibition of work and distribution of prizes and to join the teachers for supper afterwards - John Carmichael, 16 South Mount Terrace, Leeds, 28th October 1896: asks to be considered for an appointment as Manual Instructor (Woodwork) and gives details of his present situation - Duncan Clarke, 23 Argyll Place, Aberdeen, 7th March 1897: regarding the awarding of Bronze medals for the Society of Arts & Guilds f London Exams - John F Cruickshank, Marywell Street Public School, 21st & 25th January 1897: regarding a complaint by Mrs Paul after her son was punished for careless copywriting - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 23rd February 1897: regarding a Duplicator to replace a Cyclostyle - G F Duthie, Broomhill Public School, 17th February 1897: explains the preference for cloth lined envelopes for children - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 1st February 1897: regarding confusion over accounts and book money - Isabella T Duffus, Silver Street North, Aberdeen, 23rd February 1897: advises of arrangements made with sewing mistresses [See p. 794 Board Meeting 21st January 1897, item (13)] - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 28th January 1897: asking for instructions as to school openings due to high level of absentees - G F Duthie, Woodside Public Schol, 18th January 1897: asks for action to be taken as there is a problem with rats and the children are frightened - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School. 2nd March 1897: requests an urgent supply of ink and pens - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 13th & 15th January 1897: regarding confusion over the date for Exams for Pupil Teacherships and a pupil, James R. Emslie - G F Duthie, 4th January 1897: queries that the services of Pupil Teachers, Miss Skinner and Miss Jaffray, has been terminated [See p. 790 Board Meeting 21st January 1897, item (d)] - Annie Fraser[?], Ashley Road Public School, 3rd February 1897: asks for an increase of salary and outlines her case - Agnes Fullarton, 42 Union Grove, Aberdeen, 26th February 1897: asks to be considered for the position of Infants Mistress in Westfield School and lists her experience - Jas Findlay, 158 Bon Accord St, Aberdeen, 8th March 1897: expresses his preference for a female Pupil Teacher in the Infant Dept and explains why - W Fyfe, 29 Mile End Avenue, Aberdeen, 10th February 1897: advises that the Council of the Aberdeen Branch of the Teachers’ Guild of Great Britain and Ireland are offering their library to the High School for Girls for use of senior pupils and teachers of that school and by teachers of other schools [See p. 841 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, item (11)] - John McBain, High School for Girls, 12th February 1897: advises that the books offered by Mr Fyfe on behalf of the Local Teachers’ Guild would be a worthwhile addition to their existing library [See above letter W Fyfe, 10th February 1897 and p. 841 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, item (11)] - Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 19th & 22nd & 27th January 1897: 3 letters regarding low attendance and the conditions which have affected it - Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 13th January 1897: request for additional maps from Bacon’s Series of Drawing Charts for a lecture to be given by Mr Lessels - A Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 8th January 1897: explains that the order of items for the Cookery Teacher is as a result of a burglary - Alexander Forbes, Skene Street Public School, 7th January 1897: regarding a relationship between Mr Cameron, teacher, and [Miss?] Bell - W Fyfe, Central School Evening Classes, 8th March 1897: regarding prizes required and the associated cost - W Fyfe, 29 Mile End Avenue, Aberdeen, 8th January 1897: explains his reasons for not applying for the Headmastership of Walker Road Public School - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 7th January 1897: explains the background to comments made in a recent H.M. Inspector’s report - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 28th January 1897: regarding Miss Annie Adams as accompanist for Drill; on reverse, query from School Board about number of hours Miss Adams will be teaching with reply from A Green [See p. 842 Board Meeting 18th February 1897, item (14)] - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 1st February 1897: regarding staffing issues including the terms of appointment for Miss Kemp and the re-engagement of Miss Maggie Macgregor - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 15th February 1897: requests a substitute for Miss Roy who is absent - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 6th January 1897: regarding assistance for Sewing classes and a pupil teacher being appointed to act as accompanist at Drill - A Green, Skene Square Public School, 21st December 1896: asks for approval for various changes he has made to the distribution of staff which has impacted on classes they taught - William Hendry, Rosemount Evening School, 6th March 1897: explains the reasons for an increase in the sum required for prizes and a suggestion for an appropriate prize for Sewing - Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 16th February 1897: explains the reasons for an order for 6 clocks - Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 8th March 1897: encloses the formal forms regarding truancy of two pupils, Andrew and Charles Winchester - Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 15th January 1897: letter regarding a complaint made by Mr Wm Watt about the treatment of his daughter, Helen; Mr Watt’s letter enclosed [See p. 795 Board Meeting 21st January 1897, item (17)] - Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 22 February 1897: regarding the Absence Report, he lists those teachers who are absent and requests the attendance fulltime of Miss Davidson and Miss Spence, senior Pupil Teachers - William Hendry, Rosemount Evening School, 18th February 1897: asks for approval for a concert to be held and explains why it is to be held on a Wednesday - A M Hay, 40 Springbank Terrace, Aberdeen, 11th & 15th February 1897: regarding their transference to Walker Road School and a misunderstanding by Mr Smart, Headmaster of Torry Public School - Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 21st December 1896: regarding the Bible Instruction of Pupil Teachers and the views of a meeting of Headmasters - Thos C Hynd, 11th January 1897: regarding a substitute for Miss Sherriffs who is absent due to the illness of her mother - W B King, 40 Ashley Road, Aberdeen, 19th December 1896: asks if he will receive a pay increase of £10p.a. as he now has an M.A. degree - D B Lothian, King Street Evening School, 8th March 1897: advises the number of prizes required and for which subjects Bronze medals are required - D B Lothian, King Street Evening School, 19th January 1897: advises of changes he has made to the timetable in accordance with Article 10(b) of the Evening School Code and seeks clarification on the treatment of ‘Millinery’ - Isabella C Lyon, 269 Great Western Road, Aberdeen, 21st December 1896: as the number of pupils who take lunch at the Grammar School has fallen, she appeals to the Board for advice on the way forward [See following letters H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 26th December 1896, 20th January 1897, January 1897, 16th February 1897] - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 26th December 1896, 20th January 1897, January 1897 & 16th February 1897: regarding the Lunch Room and falling attendance, Mr Simpson elaborates on the situation; confirms he will write to parents to canvass their opinion; copy of circular letter sent to parents; advises the Board of the outcome of the poll of parents [See above letter Isabella C Lyon, 269 Great Western Road, Aberdeen, 21st December 1896] - D Bennett Lothian, King Street Evening School, 25th December 1896 & 13th January 1897: regarding a complaint by Mr Cheyne following the loss of his son’s overcoat from the cloakroom; second letter refers to the locking of doors on the boys side - D B Lothian, King Street Public Evening School, 11th January 1897: asks for the pay sheets to be amended as Mr Harry MacCallum was omitted in error - D B Lothian, King Street Public Evening School, 27th January 1897: explains that he did not open the school due to the state of the roads - Mary Torrie, 54 Osborne Place, Aberdeen, 25th February 1897: makes her case for an increase of salary - W L Marr, High School for Girls, 10th March 1897: regarding the fees for the evening classes in Mathematics and Sound, Light & Heat - John McKenzie, Holburn Street School, 10th March 1897: as Secretary to the Head Teachers’ Association, he advises the Board of their views on the issue of regular attendance and incentives following their meeting - Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 19th November 1896: regarding Miss Merrilees and why she failed to accompany children in the playground [See letter Mary J Taylor, 21st December 1896 and CA-25-2-11-50 letters Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 10th November, 14th & 18th December 1896] - Mary J Taylor, King Street School, 21st December 1896: as she was the teacher who instructed Miss Merrilees to go into the playground, she recounts her version of events playground [See letter above Thos C Hynd, 19th November 1896 and CA-25-2-11-50 letters Thos C Hynd, King Street Public School, 10th November,14th & 18th December 1896] - W L Marr, High school for Girls [Evening School?], 15th January 1897: advises when classes are to be held in Mathematics and Sound, Light and Heat in connection with the Science & Art Examinations - John McKenzie, Holburn Street Public School, 18th January 1897: regarding the different sizes of slates supplied to schools, preferences of Head Teachers and a request for the Supplies Committee to consider the requirements overall - John McBain, High School for Girls, 12th January 1897: regarding an account relating to books for free place pupils and tuition on one musical instrument - John McKenzie, Holburn Street Public School, 24th February 1897: asks if arrangements can be made to meet the request of some pupils for Dancing lessons - Jean MacKay, Central School, Aberdeen, 4th March 1897: asks for favourable consideration when salaries are reviewed and explains why - John A McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School, 3rd March 1897: asks for his salary as Headmaster to be reviewed and states the background to his request - Elizabeth I Mackintosh, 105 Irvine Place, Aberdeen, 3rd March 1897: asks for her Salary to be considered at the forthcoming review and gives reasons for this - John McKenzie, Holburn Street Public School, 1st & 3rd March 1897: requests substitute teachers for Miss Johnstone and Miss Craib who are ill - John P McCann, School of Design, March 1897: asks what level of fees the Board’s pupil teachers are to be charged; Board’s reply is pencilled on reverse of letter - John McHardy, Old Aberdeen Public School, 9th March 1897: advises that he has instructed Miss Catherine Dawson to attend the Infant School prior to joining the staff as a pupil teacher - Jeannie W Moir, 38 Whitehall Road, Aberdeen, 4th March 1897: asks to be considered for position of Infant Mistress of Westfield School and states her experience - John McBain, High School for Girls, 9th & 12th February 1897: regarding the scale of remuneration for Miss McLeod and the hours assigned to her - John McBain, High School for Girls, 19th February 1897: advises that there is an issue with the Day Scheme for pupils taking certain subjects - John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 5th February 1897: requests that consideration is given to moving his room as Headmaster from the ground floor to the first floor and outlines his reasons - John McBain, High School for Girls, 25th January 1897: addresses several staffing issues including the absence of Miss Toulmin and the services of Miss Lendrum - J Edmond, 11 Golden Square, Aberdeen, 5th February 1897: certifies the reason for Miss Toulmin’s absence from school [See above letter John McBain, High School for Girls, 25th January 1897] - John McKenzie, Holburn Street Public School, 17th February 1897: thanking the Board for providing a course of lectures on Drawing by Mr Lessells - James Findlay, St Clement Street Public School, 21st January 1897: requests a substitute teacher for Miss Robertson who is going to be off work through illness - John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 2nd February 1897: regarding filling the position of Miss Ritchie and the impact on the classes of not having a dedicated teacher - John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 5th February 1897: requests a successor for Miss Ritchie and outlines the work to be undertaken - John McCann, School of Design, 1897: asks for an instalment of funds for the half year and details the grant claimed and salaries paid on the reverse - John McHardy, Public School Old Aberdeen, February 1897: requests that coals are ordered for the Infants Department and that Macbeth is not keeping to his contract - John McCann, School of Design, 13th January 1897: requests permission for a dance to be organised for the students - John McCann, School of Design, 9th January 1897: in response to a Board letter, he advises the classes held under which Groups, the number of pupils and the exam results for the previous year - William McLean, Hanover Street Public School, 23rd December 1896: advises that he has seen Mr Beaumont, Commerce Street School, regarding the appointment of Miss Harvey - John McLachlan, Ashley Road Public School, 8th January 1897: declines the offer of Miss C as teacher and explains why - John McBain, High School for Girls, 6th January 1897: advises that they adhere to the old arrangement for Science & Art examinations - John McCann, School of Design, 27th November 1896: seeks permission for the pupils to have a Concert and Dance in December - John McGregor, Dr Bell’s Public School, 6th January 1897: advises that Rev Mr Calder has intimated that the Board should apply for use of St Machar’s Hall for drill before 9th January - John McCann, School of Design, 223rd December 1896: provides a list of teachers and their salaries - John Peters, Central Public School, 8th March 1897: advises how many books he requires for prizes and associated cost - James Pope, 28 Victoria Street, Aberdeen, 3rd March 1897: requests an increase of salary and outlines his case - Maggie C A Pope, 28 Victoria Street, Aberdeen, 2nd March1897: as salaries of assistants are to be revised, she asks to be considered for an increase - John Peter, Porthill Public School, 3rd February 1897: advises that Miss Lizzie Grant. Junior Pupil Teacher, is off ill due to anaemia - John Peters, 26 Watson Street, Aberdeen, 24th February 1897: requests that the Board promote him to a higher grade to assist with his chances of securing promotion - S Philip, 240 King Street, 25th January 1897: advising that they are unable to come to school as they are suffering from muscular rheumatism - Thomas Hector, Northfield Public School, 8th February 1897: seeks permission for the teachers to hold a small evening party - James Pope, 28 Victoria Street, Aberdeen, 13th & 27th January 1897: seeking recompense for a reduction in grants for evening classes; thanking the Board for compensation for Drawing evening class - John Peter, Porthill Public School, 11th January 1897: following an error, now requests a full grant for Edith Emslie - John Peter, Porthill Public School, 21st December 1896: intimates when the school is to take their Inspection holiday and explains the custom - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 13th January 1897: requests an accompanist so that drill and physical exercises can resume - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 1st March 1897: regarding staffing absences and the potential removal of Miss Robb which would impact on Drill [See above letter Jas Rose, 13th January 1897] - Lizzie Robertson, 5 New Pier Road, Aberdeen, 24th February 1897: expresses disappointment at not securing a position at Walker Road School following comments made by Mr Campbell [appointed Headmaster at the new school] - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 5th February 1897: asks for an increase of salary as Headmaster and explains why including a brief history of the development of the school - Jemima Robertson, 5 New Pier Road, Aberdeen, 20th January 1897: requests a leave of absence following medical advice; on reverse, brief letter written in red ink to Mr Findlay asking if cover is required - Wm Robertson, Rubislaw Public School, 11th January 1897: requests cover for Miss Jamesina Stewart who is ill - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School,9th February 1897: submits exam paper for Bible classes and seeks approval for when to hold the Manual Instruction exam - Wm Robertson, Rubislaw Public School, 5th February 1897: advises that the Bible exam has been postponed - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 20th January 1897: advises details of when the Manual Instructions are held - L Rainnie, 42 Hartington Road, Aberdeen, 20th January 1897: intimating her willingness to accept the position of Assistant Visiting Teacher of Sewing if appointed - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 24th December 1896: seeks approval for changing the time at which Standards V and VI assemble and explains the reasons for the change - Jas Rose, Causewayend Public School, 7th January 1897: intimates a change of time for holding Drawing classes - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, undated; partial letter advising the subjects in which candidates are to be examined and asking the addressee [unknown] to agree with the Board on how suitable candidates may be identified - Wm Stormonth, 11 Great Western Place, Aberdeen: regarding prizes for the scholars at the Evening Schools, he suggests books - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 19th & 22nd January 1897: regarding a deduction in fees, he outlines the cases for Russel Sharp and David Murray; he elaborates further on the case for reduction in fees for Russel Sharp - Jane Isobel Watt, 339 Holburn Street, Aberdeen, 1st March 1897: argues her case for an increase of salary - Louisa Stevenson, 4 Devanha Terrace, Aberdeen, 22nd February 1897: argues her case for an increase of salary - Wm Stewart, 87 Clifton Road, Aberdeen, 13th February 1897: advises that arrangements have been made with Mr Walker of Walker & Co to hold a Cinematograph Exhibition in Burgh Hall, Woodside and seeks approval for a prize-giving - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 8th March 1897: regarding an ‘irate parent’, Mrs Grant, and concerns about her son’s attendance and the calibre of his work with notes attached - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 2nd & 11th March 1897: regarding a requisition for rulers for Standards I, II & III and the choice of pattern - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 1st February 1897: regarding an issue with Mr Goodall Blair over the storage of items in a stall in a side room in Porthill - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 11th March 1897: regarding first year Pupil Teachers and a pupil, Mary Falconer, which has caused a disagreement with Mr McLachlan - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 19th February 17897: regarding an order for Senior Monthly Reports and their use - P Smart, Torry Public School, 6th March 1897: following a situation where an assistant inflicted punishment in ‘face of a bona fide line’, he clarifies the instructions - Isabella Stewart, Dr Bell’s School, 16th February 1897: she requests a retiring allowance after 45 years of teaching - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 8th February 1897: requests cover for Miss Adam who is absent due to caring for her mother - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 4th, 23rd & 25th January 1897: regarding the unauthorised publication of his letters going back to 22nd July 1895 and ramifications [See earlier Bundles of correspondence regarding Westfield School] - Wm Stewart, Woodend Evening School, 24th February 1897: expresses doubt over whether Commerce Street School has been inspected following a conversation with H M Inspector - Wm Stormonth, 11 Great Western Place, Aberdeen, 27th February 1897: regarding the inspection of Commerce Street School with reference to the Article stipulating the requirement [See above letter Wm Stewart, Woodend Evening School, 24th February 1897] - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 5th January 1897: addresses staffing issues following the absence of Miss Young and remarks that he has yet to hear from Col. Cruden regarding Gymnastics for Standards VII & VI [See letters H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 25th December 1896 & 26th January 1897] - Mary M Young, 38 Belvidere Crescent, 4th January 1897: discusses her health and likelihood of a lengthy recovery - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 25th December 1896 & 26th January 1897: following the omission of Gymnastics for Standards Vi & VII from the timetable, he outlines action to be taken; explains the delay in provision, refers to Col. Cruden and seeks approval for the way forward [See above letter H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 5th January 1897] - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 16th February 1897: asks for the Board’s decision on whether they are to play a football match with Dundee - Wm Stewart, Woodside Evening School, 8th March 1897: lists how many prizes will be required for different subjects [ink is faint] - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen, 16th February 1897: refers to possible the first volume of School Board’s minutes 1893-4, the list of Benefactors for the school and advises he awaits P Anderson’s volume (Spalding Club) - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School,26 January 1897: requests that an overdue requisition order for drawing pins and ink is chased up - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 20th January & 10 February 1897: requests that the Board advise whether the days boys are to sit the Science & Art exams (evening exams) or the Leaving Certificate exams as there may be a clash - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 19th January 1897: requests that their school janitor, James Moir, is measured for a new uniform prior to entering the new school - I L Skea, 269 Great Western Road/St Paul Street Public School,4th & 8th January 1897: requests the continued services of Mary Robertson and Mary Innes, Pupil Teachers, and outlines her reasons - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, 19th January 1897: regarding the issue of whether to demolish the caretaker’s house, the lower floor of which is currently used for practical cookery classes, she puts forward her views with practical suggestions - I L Skea, St Paul Street Pubic School, 18th January 1897: expresses her preference for Miss Jemima Skinner, ex-Pupil Teacher, to be employed at the school instead of Miss Robb and explains her reasons - I L Skea, St Paul Street Public School, December 1896: raises the issue of teaching Religious Instruction to Pupil Teachers and explains what action she has taken. Also refers to the timing of the Donaldson exam and posits a solution - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 15th January 1897: regarding outstanding fees, he advises that Mr Clow has paid for his son and advises how he has treated the attendance of Geo Burns [?] and F Rae. - Wm Stewart, Educational Institute of Scotland, 5th January 1897: private letter to Mr Hector regarding Congress Funds and Mr Hector’s contribution in putting up Dr Campbell of Falkirk - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 22nd December 1896: explains that the requisition order for large envelopes is to hold sheets used in Cyclostyles - A G Wallace, Central Public School, 7th January 1897: asks for an increase of salary as Headmaster and argues his case [See p. 863 Board Meeting 18th March 1897, item (k)] - James Wilkie, Torry Public School, 8th & 25th January & 17th February 1897: refers to issues with his work as Assistant Master at Torry School and statements which he is concerned may have led to a misunderstanding, his request for a transfer to Walker Road School and an increase of salary - Margaret J Watson, York Street Public School, 11th March 1897: requests an increase of salary and details her work history - R Watson, Broomhill Public School, 22nd December 1896: states when Lily Dunbar will sit exams and advises that Jessie Campbell should be studying for second year Pupil Teacher exams and asks for a third year Pupil Teacher to be appointed in her stead - A G Wallace, Central Public School, 4th December 1896: refers to a grievance over ex-Standard VI pupils being removed, complaints about the staff, and, in particular, mentions the work of Miss McIntosh - A G Wallace, Central Public School, 15th January 1897: recommends a boy, William Grant, for a position; comments attached from Mr Crichton - A G Wallace, Central Public School, 8th January 1897: requests an additional hour for teaching Hygiene - A G Wallace, Central Public School, 22nd December 1896: comments on the proposal to hold the Science & Art exams in June - Scottish Assistant Teachers’ Association (Aberdeen District): ‘Memorial to the School Board of the Burgh of Aberdeen’ in which it expresses the members views on the disparity of salary between male and lady teachers - ‘Memorial to the Members of the School Board of the Burgh of Aberdeen’ regarding the double increment offered to graduates - Jemima Easter, 116 Mid Stocket Road, 20th & 29th January 1897: regarding the position of Sewing teacher at Walker Road School and remuneration - P Smart, Torry Public School, 16th February 1897: requests certificates for Standards V and VI - William McLean, Hanover Street Public School, 7th January 1897: states the hours during which Sewing will be taught to Junior and Senior classes - A G Wallace, Central Public School, 22nd February 1897: alludes to a disagreement with H M Inspectors - John Peter, Porthill Public School, 3rd February 1897: regarding the non-receipt of an intriguing parcel - Maggie Hay, 24 Summerfield Terrace, Aberdeen, 26th February 1897: expresses her thanks for her promotion and advises that she has received her parchment Certificate - G F Duthie, Woodside Public School, 21st January & 19th February 1897: regarding the amount of notice to be given by Miss Ruth and the appointment of Miss Jaffrey; advises that Miss Hutcheon will work alongside Miss Ruth and states that an ex-Pupil Teacher who can teach drawing would be an advantage |