Description | 1/12/1905-10/2/1906 AG Wallace, Central Higher Grade: Lapsing of Town Council Bursaries, 6/12/1905 JB Spalding, York St School: George Baxter Treatment by Mr Macleod for a stammer and marked improvement, 12/12/1905 Will Robertson, Skene Street Public School: Ritchie Buchan & another Treatment for stutters by Mr Macleod and improvement, 3/12/1905 William Thompson, St John’s Public: Request to close school on Christmas Day because of the amount of pupils attending the Divine Service, 18/12/1905 P Smart, Frederick St Public School: Attendance of pupils at a Xmas Dinner on Dec 28th and the opinion of the Headmaster that this is “uncalled” for and an undue interference of the afternoon attendance, 28/12/1905 Charles Stewart, Gordon’s College: Reference for employment of Miss Soutter as teacher of drawing at Girls’ High School, 5/1/1906 John Ritchie, King Street Evening School: If school is a polling centre will be closed, 10/01/1906 John Ritchie, King Street Evening School: Request for Physical Instruction class from Industrial section, 10/01/1906 AG Wallace, Central Higher Grade School: Request for Syllabus and School Regulations to the King’s Scholarship Examination, 24/1/1906 Robert Valentine, High Evening School: Attendance of Needlework, Dressmaking and Millinery Classes, 24/1/1906 AG Wallace, Central Higher Grade School: Daniel Sutherland Continuing truancy and “revolutionary” effect on other pupils, 25/1/1906 James Sutherland, Rosemount Evening School: Attendance of Metalwork & Dressmaking Classes and need for additional assistant, 27/1/1906 Alex. M Shand, Skene Square Evening School: Attendance of Millinery, Dressmaking and Cookery Classes, 30/1/1906 P Smart, Frederick St Public School: Following report of refusal to enter family at school, response stating the report to be false, 1/2/1906 AG Wallace, Central Higher Grade School: Pupils recommended for consideration for Town Council and Watt Bursaries, 5/2/1906 AG Wallace, Central Higher Grade School: Review of application form for admission to school to assist parents, 5/2/1906 AG Wallace, Central Higher Grade School: Town Council Scholarship Examinations, 2/2/1906 Robert Littlejohn, Scottish Class Teachers’ Association: Dual maximum wages for women assistants in the Board’s Scheme of Salaries and request to adjust to remove a “source of dissatisfaction”, undated John Peter, Evening School Headmasters’Association: Anomalies of salaries with reference to Alex Moodie to Evening School and Higher Grade School Teachers, 11/12/1905 John Peter, Hanover Street Public School: Roll & Expenses incurred, 12/01/1906 John Peter, Hanover Street Public School: Request for funds for “Cheap Dinner Scheme”, 0/01/1906 John Peter, Hanover Street Public School: Stammerers William Cruickshank & Andrew Craig and their test performances, 13/12/1905 Helen A Pirie, Causewayend Primary: Application for employment inmore senior position of new Sunnybank School, 2/2/1906 Elizabeth D Nisbet, Torry Public School: Suggestion for new furniture layout for class of first six months of school attendance, 24/1/1906 Elizabeth D Nisbet, Torry Public School: Request for use of the Central Hall for providing dinner for the poor children in the district, 20/12/1905 John M Bain, High School for Girls: Request for placement of Miss Dawson as a “Free Place Arrangement” pupil, 12/12/2005 John M Bain, High School for Girls: Suggestion of rearrangement of classes due to attendances, 11/12/1905 W Reith Macgregor, Evening Constabulary Class Central School: Annual Concert by Aberdeen City Police clashing with class, 15/12/1905 W Reith Macgregor, Central Higher Grade School, Police Classes: Cancellation of Police Classes for 15/01/1906 due to election meetings, 12/01/1906 W Reith Macgregor, Central Higher Grade School, Police Classes: Cancellation of Junior Police classes due to a special parade, 12/01/1906 Alfred MacLeod, Aberdeen School Board: Return of 9 boy stammerers to school, 10/12/1905 Alfred MacLeod, Aberdeen School Board: Attendance by 8 girls stammerers for initial meeting and subsequent review, 9/01/1906 Alex Moodie, Woodside Evening School: Objection to Public Election Meetings held at same time as evening classes, 7/11/1905 D Lothian, St Clement Street Public School: Request to allow “double” attendances to reduce problem of badly-lit & stuffy halls, 27/12/1905 Jeannie Hatt: Request to be re-instated to teaching post as the “temptation yielded to in the past has now no danger or fascination for me.” 29/01/1906 Jas. C Barrett, Head Teachers’ Association: Following as Association meeting the unanimous feeling was that a minimum of a half-day holiday should be given on Christmas Day, 11/12/1905 Jas. C Barrett, Middle Public School: Alex Lamb’s improvement in problem of stammering, 12/12/1905 Jas C Barrett, Head Teachers’ Association: Disagreement with proposal to limit the issuing of Report Cards to Senior Divisions, 22/12/1905 James Findlay, Rosemount Public School: Improvement to Alex Stark’s stammer, 13/12/1905 John Cruickshank, Mile-End Public School: Proposal to run “double attendance class last 2 weeks of December to meet the difficulties of rural distances, 8/12/1905 Duncan Clarke, Commerce Street Public: Improvement to George Florence’s stammer, 12/12/1905 Barbara L Cameron, Old Aberdeen School: “I was greatly astonished upon reading tonight’s paper to discover I was being transferred to Old Aberdeen School”. Request to be transferred to another school declined, 23/12/1905 W Fyfe, Woodside Public School: Suggestions to make Fees for Pianoforte lessons under the Board’s scale, 31/01/1906 Elizabeth Davidson: Daughter of Captain Davidson requesting employment as a teacher as for the last 6 years she has been a “wanderer from home”, 2/2/1906 James Finlayson, Rosemount Public School: Pupil James Insch absents himself from Bible lesson not under the Conscience Clause but simply by being late, 10/01/1906 Mary C Ganson: Application for position of Head Mistress of York Street School after 25 years in service, 6/12/1905 HT Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: Concern voiced about Mr Carmichael, Manual Instructor, by Parents and pupils for swearing at pupils, 10/02/1906 HT Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School: Request for £1 to purchase butterfly collection, 29/12/1905 TC Watson, Broomhill Public School: Improvement of George Hutchison’s stammer after treatment by Mr McLeod, 13/12/1905 J Carmichael, Aberdeen Grammar School: Unworkable condition of forge resulting in pupils being unable to overtake what has fallen in arrears, 08/01/1906 HT Morland Simpson: Aberdeen Grammar School, Receipt of collection of Congo Curios from Rev W Billington of the Mencan Mission, Congo, following enrolment of his step-son, 6/2/1906 |