Description | "Extract Tack by the Provost, Baillies, Council and Community of the Burgh, letting to William Makeson and Elezabeth Makesoun his Spouse, and the longest liver of them, in consideration of the yearly Rent of 10 Merks, the two Mills called the Justice Mills, Mill Croft and Banks, thereof, lying within the Freedom of Aberdeen, with the multures and Sucken of the out Freedom; videlicet - Garden, Bogfairly, Kingswells, Shettocksley [Sheddocksley], Hazlehead, Tulloch, Cruives, Rubislaw, Forresterhill, and the Sucken of all the Corn growing on the West side of the said Burgh, and the right, also, of grinding all the Corn of the Bakers, and others of the Burgh, when they cannot be served at the Mills with in the Burgh; any party failing to bring his Corn to said Mills, as above, being bound to pay double multure; together also with pasturage on the Common pasture of the Freedom; and "ly in the taucht of Rubislaw for 60 sheep, 10 head of nolt" and two horses or mares. Said Tack is dated 13th December 1518, and r egistered in the Baillie Cout Books (or Council Register), 6th May 1521." (Text from Shaw's Inventory of the Charters and Papers relating to the City of Aberdeen, of 1851)
Sucken: The jurisdiction of a mill, or that extent of ground astricted to it, the tenants of which are bound to bring their grain thither to be ground. Multure: The toll for grinding grain Nolt: Short haired cattle |