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Collapse CA - Records of the Royal Burgh and City of AberdeenCA - Records of the Royal Burgh and City of Aberdeen
Expand 1 - Aberdeen City: Minutes of Meetings1 - Aberdeen City: Minutes of Meetings
Expand 2 - Aberdeen City: Deeds and Sasines2 - Aberdeen City: Deeds and Sasines
Expand 3 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters3 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters
Expand 4 - Aberdeen City: Chartularies and Feu Registers4 - Aberdeen City: Chartularies and Feu Registers
Collapse 5 - Aberdeen City: Legal and Court Records5 - Aberdeen City: Legal and Court Records
Expand 1 - Aberdeen City: Baillie Court Books, 1st Series1 - Aberdeen City: Baillie Court Books, 1st Series
Expand 2 - Aberdeen City: Baillie Court Diet Books, 2nd Series2 - Aberdeen City: Baillie Court Diet Books, 2nd Series
Expand 3 - Aberdeen City: Justice Court Books3 - Aberdeen City: Justice Court Books
Expand 4 - Aberdeen City: Sheriff Court Diet Books4 - Aberdeen City: Sheriff Court Diet Books
Expand 5 - Aberdeen City: Admiralty Court Records5 - Aberdeen City: Admiralty Court Records
Expand 6 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Court Roll6 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Court Roll
Expand 7 - Aberdeen City: Enactment Books7 - Aberdeen City: Enactment Books
Expand 8 - Aberdeen City: Criminal Court Records8 - Aberdeen City: Criminal Court Records
Expand 9 - Aberdeen City: Registers of Indentures of Apprentices9 - Aberdeen City: Registers of Indentures of Apprentices
Expand 10 - Aberdeen Burgh: Propinquity Books10 - Aberdeen Burgh: Propinquity Books
Expand 11 - Aberdeen County Weavers' Enactment Books11 - Aberdeen County Weavers' Enactment Books
Expand 12 - Incarceration and Liberation Books12 - Incarceration and Liberation Books
Expand 13 - Baptismal Registers of the City of Aberdeen13 - Baptismal Registers of the City of Aberdeen
14 - Aberdeen Burgh: Register of Convictions of Delinquents, for Forestalling, Regrating &c
15 - Register of Feu Maills and Annual Rents Belonging to the Church of St Nicholas in Aberdeen
Expand 16 - Registers of Owners of Licensed Hackney Carriages within the Burgh of Aberdeen16 - Registers of Owners of Licensed Hackney Carriages within the Burgh of Aberdeen
Expand 17 - Registers of Certificates for Omnibuses plying for Hire within the City of Aberdeen17 - Registers of Certificates for Omnibuses plying for Hire within the City of Aberdeen
Expand 19 - Registers of Licensed Porters in the City of Aberdeen19 - Registers of Licensed Porters in the City of Aberdeen
Expand 20 - Registers of Premises Licensed Under the Explosives Acts 20 - Registers of Premises Licensed Under the Explosives Acts
Expand 21 - Registers of Applicants for Brokers' Licenses for the City of Aberdeen21 - Registers of Applicants for Brokers' Licenses for the City of Aberdeen
22 - Register of Subscriptions to the Bond & Enactment by the Street Porters of Aberdeen
Expand 23 - Registers of Ale Certificates23 - Registers of Ale Certificates
24 - Register of Applications under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 1903
Collapse 25 - Aberdeen City: Copy Registers of the Acts of the Convention of Burghs in Scotland25 - Aberdeen City: Copy Registers of the Acts of the Convention of Burghs in Scotland
26 - Aberdeen Burgh Statute Book
27 - Aberdeen City: Printed Volume of Acts of the Parliament of Scotland
28 - List of Militia in Old Machar Parish
Expand 6 - Aberdeen City: Financial Records6 - Aberdeen City: Financial Records
Expand 7 - Aberdeen City: Guildry Records7 - Aberdeen City: Guildry Records
Expand 8 - Aberdeen City: Letter Books and Correspondence8 - Aberdeen City: Letter Books and Correspondence
Expand 9 - Aberdeen City: Records of the Police Commissioners9 - Aberdeen City: Records of the Police Commissioners
Expand 10 - Aberdeen City: Maps and Plans10 - Aberdeen City: Maps and Plans
Expand 12 - Aberdeen City: Proclamations, Advertisements, and Notices12 - Aberdeen City: Proclamations, Advertisements, and Notices
Expand 13 - Aberdeen City: New Street Trustees 13 - Aberdeen City: New Street Trustees
Expand 14 - Aberdeen City: Harbour Records14 - Aberdeen City: Harbour Records
Expand 16 - Aberdeen City: Mortification Fund Records16 - Aberdeen City: Mortification Fund Records
Expand 17 - Commutation Road Assessment Books 17 - Commutation Road Assessment Books
Expand 18 - Aberdeen City: Rentals and Taxation18 - Aberdeen City: Rentals and Taxation
Expand 19 - Aberdeen City Electoral Registers and Poll Books 19 - Aberdeen City Electoral Registers and Poll Books
Expand 20 - Aberdeen Burgh: Feu Duties20 - Aberdeen Burgh: Feu Duties
21 - Aberdeen Burgh & Corporation: Register of Leases
Expand 22 - Tack Books of Mills & Customs 22 - Tack Books of Mills & Customs
24 - Aberdeen Burgh: Abstract of Dispositions granted by the Town's Trustees
Expand 25 - Aberdeen City: Education Records25 - Aberdeen City: Education Records
Expand 26 - Aberdeen City: Children's/Social Work Department Records26 - Aberdeen City: Children's/Social Work Department Records
Expand 27 - Aberdeen City: Tramways/Transport Department27 - Aberdeen City: Tramways/Transport Department
28 - Aberdeen City: Regulations and Conditions of Employment
Expand 29 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Surveyor's/City Engineer's Department Records (cataloguing in progress)29 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Surveyor's/City Engineer's Department Records (cataloguing in progress)
Expand 30 - Aberdeen City: Town Planning Department Records (cataloguing in progress)30 - Aberdeen City: Town Planning Department Records (cataloguing in progress)
Expand 32 - Corporation of the City of Aberdeen Public Health records32 - Corporation of the City of Aberdeen Public Health records

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