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Collapse CA - Records of the Royal Burgh and City of AberdeenCA - Records of the Royal Burgh and City of Aberdeen
Expand 1 - Aberdeen City: Minutes of Meetings1 - Aberdeen City: Minutes of Meetings
Expand 2 - Aberdeen City: Deeds and Sasines2 - Aberdeen City: Deeds and Sasines
Expand 3 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters3 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters
Expand 4 - Aberdeen City: Chartularies and Feu Registers4 - Aberdeen City: Chartularies and Feu Registers
Expand 5 - Aberdeen City: Legal and Court Records5 - Aberdeen City: Legal and Court Records
Expand 6 - Aberdeen City: Financial Records6 - Aberdeen City: Financial Records
Expand 7 - Aberdeen City: Guildry Records7 - Aberdeen City: Guildry Records
Collapse 8 - Aberdeen City: Letter Books and Correspondence8 - Aberdeen City: Letter Books and Correspondence
Expand 1 - Aberdeen City: Incoming Letter Books1 - Aberdeen City: Incoming Letter Books
Expand 2 - Aberdeen City: Incoming Letter Books Supplementary Series2 - Aberdeen City: Incoming Letter Books Supplementary Series
Expand 3 - Aberdeen City: Outgoing Letter Books3 - Aberdeen City: Outgoing Letter Books
Collapse P - Aberdeen City: Parcels of Correspondence and PapersP - Aberdeen City: Parcels of Correspondence and Papers
Expand 1 - Warrants of Transportation, Death and Banishment1 - Warrants of Transportation, Death and Banishment
Expand 2 - Documents relating to the Tolbooth, New Jail and Courthouse2 - Documents relating to the Tolbooth, New Jail and Courthouse
Expand 3 - Documents relating to Captain Kenneth Irvine and the ship Endeavour3 - Documents relating to Captain Kenneth Irvine and the ship Endeavour
Expand 4 - Accounts Current between William Copland Esq Advocate and Town Clerk Depute of Aberdeen on behalf of the Town of Aberdeen and the Trustee of the ninth district under the Commutating Act for Aberdeenshire, for the New Road from Aberdeen to Bridge of Dee and Bridge of Don4 - Accounts Current between William Copland Esq Advocate and Town Clerk Depute of Aberdeen on behalf of the Town of Aberdeen and the Trustee of the ninth district under the Commutating Act for Aberdeenshire, for the New Road from Aberdeen to Bridge of Dee and Bridge of Don
Expand 5 - Civic Documents: Petitions, Legal Papers and Accounts5 - Civic Documents: Petitions, Legal Papers and Accounts
Expand 6 - Accounts relating to the Town Council of Aberdeen6 - Accounts relating to the Town Council of Aberdeen
Expand 7 - Documents relating to the New Jail and Courthouse7 - Documents relating to the New Jail and Courthouse
Expand 8 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Affairs8 - Papers relating to Ecclesiastical Affairs
Expand 9 - Legal Papers9 - Legal Papers
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous Civic Documents10 - Miscellaneous Civic Documents
Expand 11 - Acts of Convention of Royal Burghs11 - Acts of Convention of Royal Burghs
Expand 1212
Expand 13 - Election Rolls and Declarations of the City Council13 - Election Rolls and Declarations of the City Council
Expand 14 - Papers Relating to the City Council, Infirmary and Workhouse14 - Papers Relating to the City Council, Infirmary and Workhouse
Expand 15 - Papers relating to Mowat & Co v Magistrates of Aberdeen15 - Papers relating to Mowat & Co v Magistrates of Aberdeen
Expand 16 - Civic Papers relating to the City of Aberdeen16 - Civic Papers relating to the City of Aberdeen
Expand 17 - Process Papers Alexander Duthie Jr v William Carnegie High Court of Admiralty17 - Process Papers Alexander Duthie Jr v William Carnegie High Court of Admiralty
Expand 18 - Process Papers relating to the Collection of Excises18 - Process Papers relating to the Collection of Excises
Expand 19 - Papers relating to the Town's Processes19 - Papers relating to the Town's Processes
20 - Papers of Covenanting Times
Expand 2121
Expand 22 - Documents relative to Civic Affairs22 - Documents relative to Civic Affairs
Expand 23 - Civic Papers23 - Civic Papers
Expand 24 - Parliamentary Election Papers24 - Parliamentary Election Papers
Expand 25 - Papers relating to the Poor's Fund, Seat Rents and Local Acts of Government25 - Papers relating to the Poor's Fund, Seat Rents and Local Acts of Government
Expand 2626
Expand 2727
Expand 2828
Expand 2929
Expand 30 - Legal, School, & Civic Papers30 - Legal, School, & Civic Papers
Expand 3131
Expand 32 - Petitions and Letters regarding business of the Town Council32 - Petitions and Letters regarding business of the Town Council
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Expand 34 - Town Council Papers34 - Town Council Papers
Expand 35 - Papers on Council Business35 - Papers on Council Business
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Expand 37 - Papers of Council Reports, Acts and Business37 - Papers of Council Reports, Acts and Business
Expand 38 - Case Papers38 - Case Papers
Collapse 39 - Papers of Aberdeen Town Council39 - Papers of Aberdeen Town Council
Expand 40 - Case Papers of Magistrates v. Kirk Session40 - Case Papers of Magistrates v. Kirk Session
Expand 4141
42 - Oaths of Allegiance
Expand 43 - Petitions, Precepts and Articles of Roup43 - Petitions, Precepts and Articles of Roup
44 - Oaths of Allegiance
Expand 45 - Financial Papers45 - Financial Papers
Expand 46 - Case Papers of the Wreck of the Catherina of Christiana46 - Case Papers of the Wreck of the Catherina of Christiana
Expand 47 - Case Papers relating to the Wreck of the Good Intent of Dundee47 - Case Papers relating to the Wreck of the Good Intent of Dundee
Expand 48 - Commissions for Parliamentary Elections and Council Business48 - Commissions for Parliamentary Elections and Council Business
Expand 49 - Miscellaneous Council Papers:49 - Miscellaneous Council Papers:
Expand 50 - Town Council Public Papers50 - Town Council Public Papers
Expand 51 - Town Council Papers and Accounts51 - Town Council Papers and Accounts
Expand 52 - Acts of Council and Burgh Papers52 - Acts of Council and Burgh Papers
Expand 53 - Petitions and Associated Council Papers: 53 - Petitions and Associated Council Papers:
Expand 54 - Petitions, Acts and Process Papers 54 - Petitions, Acts and Process Papers
Expand 55 - Petitions, Acts and Process Papers55 - Petitions, Acts and Process Papers
Expand 56 - Lists for the Town Guard and Militia56 - Lists for the Town Guard and Militia
Expand 57 - Militia and Town Guard Papers57 - Militia and Town Guard Papers
58 - Town Guard Papers
59 - Militia Lists
60 - Militia Muster Rolls
61 - Militia and Town Guard Lists
Expand 62 - Extracts of Cess and Stent Rolls62 - Extracts of Cess and Stent Rolls
Expand 63 - Admiralty Papers63 - Admiralty Papers
Expand 64 - Papers relating to the City of Aberdeen64 - Papers relating to the City of Aberdeen
Expand 6565
Expand 66 - Scroll Acts of Council66 - Scroll Acts of Council
Expand 67 - Petitions to the Town Council67 - Petitions to the Town Council
Expand 212 - Parcel 212: Registered Deeds of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1660 to 1669212 - Parcel 212: Registered Deeds of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1660 to 1669
216 - Parcel 216: Registered Deeds of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1690 to 1699
217 - Parcel 217: Registered Bonds and Contracts of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1597 to 1609
220 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 220 - Registered Deeds of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1680 to 1689
221 - Parcel 221: Registered Deeds of the 17th Century for the Burgh of Aberdeen
222 - Parcel 222: Registered Deeds of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1650 to 1659
223 - Parcel 223: Registered Deeds of the 17th Century
224 - Parcel 224: Registered Deeds of Various Dates, 1600 Downwards
225 - Parcel 225: Registered Deeds of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1670 to 1679
Expand 226 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 226226 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 226
Expand 227 - Parcel 227: Papers Relating to Business of the Town Council of Aberdeen227 - Parcel 227: Papers Relating to Business of the Town Council of Aberdeen
228 - Parcel 228: Legal Process Papers
229 - Parcel 229: 17th Century Legal Papers and Registered Deeds
Expand 230 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 230230 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 230
Expand 231 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 231231 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 231
Expand 232 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 232232 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 232
Expand 233 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 233233 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 233
234 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 234
Expand 236 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 236236 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 236
239 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 239
240 - Aberdeen City: Parcel 240
Expand OAM - Parcel OAM: Bundle originally referred to as "Old Aberdeen Miscellany"OAM - Parcel OAM: Bundle originally referred to as "Old Aberdeen Miscellany"
Expand 9 - Aberdeen City: Records of the Police Commissioners9 - Aberdeen City: Records of the Police Commissioners
Expand 10 - Aberdeen City: Maps and Plans10 - Aberdeen City: Maps and Plans
Expand 12 - Aberdeen City: Proclamations, Advertisements, and Notices12 - Aberdeen City: Proclamations, Advertisements, and Notices
Expand 13 - Aberdeen City: New Street Trustees 13 - Aberdeen City: New Street Trustees
Expand 14 - Aberdeen City: Harbour Records14 - Aberdeen City: Harbour Records
Expand 16 - Aberdeen City: Mortification Fund Records16 - Aberdeen City: Mortification Fund Records
Expand 17 - Commutation Road Assessment Books 17 - Commutation Road Assessment Books
Expand 18 - Aberdeen City: Rentals and Taxation18 - Aberdeen City: Rentals and Taxation
Expand 19 - Aberdeen City Electoral Registers and Poll Books 19 - Aberdeen City Electoral Registers and Poll Books
Expand 20 - Aberdeen Burgh: Feu Duties20 - Aberdeen Burgh: Feu Duties
21 - Aberdeen Burgh & Corporation: Register of Leases
Expand 22 - Tack Books of Mills & Customs 22 - Tack Books of Mills & Customs
24 - Aberdeen Burgh: Abstract of Dispositions granted by the Town's Trustees
Expand 25 - Aberdeen City: Education Records25 - Aberdeen City: Education Records
Expand 26 - Aberdeen City: Children's/Social Work Department Records26 - Aberdeen City: Children's/Social Work Department Records
Expand 27 - Aberdeen City: Tramways/Transport Department27 - Aberdeen City: Tramways/Transport Department
28 - Aberdeen City: Regulations and Conditions of Employment
Expand 29 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Surveyor's/City Engineer's Department Records (cataloguing in progress)29 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Surveyor's/City Engineer's Department Records (cataloguing in progress)
Expand 30 - Aberdeen City: Town Planning Department Records (cataloguing in progress)30 - Aberdeen City: Town Planning Department Records (cataloguing in progress)
Expand 32 - Corporation of the City of Aberdeen Public Health records32 - Corporation of the City of Aberdeen Public Health records

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